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Because its from arabia!! :D

water would rust the system.

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Q: What can you infer about why hydraulic fluid is usually made of oil instead of water?
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What is the similarties between a dam and a levee?

From what I infer from conversations between myself and some engineers in the local area, a dam and a levee both holds water to a confined space but, a dam is man-made while a levee is made of natural stuff. However, that is the extent of what i know in that.

Difference between high level language and script language?

There is no real difference; a scripting language is a programming language like any other. We use the term script to infer a programming language that does not need to be compiled to a lower-level code before running. Generally speaking, a scripting language is usually a high-level, interpreted programming language.

What can you infer about the amount of electric current flowing through each bulb in the circuit as each bulb is added?

The current is the same going into a bulb as it is coming out.

Why electric generator drop the load?

Too much load for the generator, the generator began to under speed / overspeed, the governor / part of the generator went into failure, the generator capability was not up to the requirements placed by the system (needing to push out/pull in too many VARs), etc. there are many reasons for a generator to drop a load. Because a load dropped, this does not infer that the generator was the cause either (fault on the system, system instability limits reached, system protection tripped - non-generator related protection).

Difference between classification and prediction?

The decision tree is a classification model, applied to existing data. If you apply it to new data, for which the class is unknown, you also get a prediction of the class. The assumption is that the new data comes from the similar distribution as the data you used to build your decision tree. In many cases this is a correct assumption and that is why you can use the decision tree for building a predictive model.

Related questions

Is there a word or term used to describe knowing only the implied meaning instead of literal meaning?

Infer. If you infer something you are picking up the implied meaning.

Infer an object floats in a fluid.?

If an object floats in a fluid, it means that the weight of the object is equal to the buoyant force exerted by the fluid on the object. This equilibrium allows the object to remain suspended in the fluid without sinking or rising.

Would the phrase Arctic tundra be a simile?

no because it did not use the word as or like. instead it infer it to be "Arctic tundra".

What is another word for interpretive?

* understand * construe * infer * deduce* understand * construe * infer * deduce* understand * construe * infer * deduce* understand * construe * infer * deduce* understand * construe * infer * deduce* understand * construe * infer * deduce

When the amount of fluid in the spaces between cells increase so does the pressure in these spaces what do you infer will happen.?

Sit in the tub for an hour the answer will strike you about the head like a prune.

When the amount of fluid in the spaces between cells increased so does the pressure in these spaces what do you infer happen?

Sit in the tub for an hour the answer will strike you about the head like a prune.

The reader can infer from article that?

The reader can infer from the article by looking at various elements.

What can you infer the family usually does at two thirty five?

At 2:30am all members of most families are fast asleep.

What does infer mean in math?

infer means to guess

What should scientist infer?

Scientist should infer technology

What is a short sentence for infer?

From the look on his face, I can infer that he is upset

What could infer about this type of discovery?

What could infer about this type of discovery