

Best Answer

You should find out the reason of the problem.


bad: #include
good: #include

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Q: What can you do when error occurs header file could not open?
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Related questions

Can you compile program without header file?

Yes,we can compile our program without header file without any error,but we can not use any predefine functions like printf,scanf.

How do you correct the C plus plus programming error missing function header?

You need to #include the header file that contains the missing function's declaration.

How do you include a system header file called sysheader.h in a c source file?

There is no system header called share.h, but if there were, it would be: #include <share.h>

How do you fix Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 Express Error Corrupt resources file Unable to read resources from this file because of invalid header information?

You can fix the Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 Express Error, Corrupt resources file, Unable to read resources from this file because of invalid header information, by downloading a new set up that is not corrupt.

What is the different between header file and header pointer?

Header file is a file which is meant to be included into another file during compilation. Examples: string.h, stdio.h, inttypes.h. Header pointer is a pointer to an object called header (for example header of a linked list).

A function is declared in C header file When you try to implement in a c source file it is giving error?

The source file must include the header file. Beyond that we can only guess at the problem without seeing the content of the source and header files. Do not post the files here. Such questions are better handled by the many C programming forums available elsewhere on the Internet.

What is the header file of graphics?

The header file of graphics in TurboC is graphics.h

What is the importance of header file?

A header file is a library of a no. of functions, which could be used (once or more than once) in some or the other programs. Thus, instead of defining all functions separately we can assemble them in a single library, the header file. These can be predefined or user defined. Hence, it reduces the line of codes and also the complexity.

How do you create a user defined header file?

Header files are not much different from usual cpp files. There are basically two different things. It's file extension: you need to choose "header file" when you create it or save as .h file. Second is header files do not have main() function. When you are done with you header file do not forger to include it in your project by writing preprocessor directive:#include "your_header_file.h"

What is the use of header file stdbool.h?

stdbool header file use for a new data type that is boolean value

What are titles in Excel?

It could be one in the Header of the file, one at the top of a column or start of a row, the name of the file, or even a title in a chart.

Which header file is FILE declared in?

The FILE type is declared in stdio.h.