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Artificial Intelligence.

Self awareness


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Q: What attributes of robots are still only being dreamed about?
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Why is AI being put into robots?

The vast majority of robots use no AI. In general AI in robots is still limited to mostly robotics research.

Where can you buy giant robots?

I dont think you can. The military is still making human sized robots!

Does the making of robots still around?


Can humans work longer than robots?

No. At least not generally speaking. Robots still need maintenance and parts can break down.

What does it mean if you dreamed you kissed your ex?

It means you probably still really love, love him or her.

Do robots have to move to be a robot?

No, robots do not have to move to be considered a robot. Movement is just one characteristic of robots, but they can still be classified as robots based on their ability to perform tasks autonomously or semi-autonomously, even if they are stationary.

Im always dreaming of kissing my gay ex-girlfriend and this time i dreamed we kissed and she started to run away what does this all mean?

Perhaps it's symbolic of still loving her, but being unable to be together anymore.

What does it mean Dreamed of being shot in the back of the head blood came out of mouth still alive?

the head symbolises knowledge, Blood symbolises life- what keeps you alive, mouth is talking, smarting off to someone.

Is the Recitation you dreamed about Momma last night in the public domain?

The song "I Dreamed About Mama," by Hank Williams Senior was released in 1946 and is still protected under copyright laws. It will not be public domain until 2041.

Why has no one created robots to do household work yet?

They are but it's still in developement with Honda japan

What does it mean if you dreamed that zombies were chasing you around streets and you don't get eaten but wherever you go there still there?

it means you're in zombieland

Are robots used for surveying tools?

The number of robots, working as surveying tools has increased to a moderate ammount, since the production cost, and thus the price of them, decreased over time. But they are still rather expensive.