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cells that are able to develop in any kind of tissue

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Jose Luettgen

Lvl 13
2y ago
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11y ago

cells that are able to develop in any kind of tissue

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12y ago

Totipotency is the ability of a single cell to divide and produce all the differentiated cells in an organism

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Q: What are totipotency cells?
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Source code of Maze game in Visual Basic Net?

um... i found this somewhere, i think it works. I use Java, so i dont know how it works. I think you can compile it in Microsoft Excel. (if you are a mac user, you wont be able to. anyway, here it is: Dim CX As Integer Dim CY As Integer Dim started As Boolean Dim playerdead As Boolean Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range) If CX = 0 Then CX = Cells(1, 1) End If If CY = 0 Then CY = Cells(1, 2) End If If playerdead = True Then Cells(CY, CX) = "" playerdead = False CX = Cells(1, 1) CY = Cells(1, 2) End If If Target.Row = 2 Then If Target.Column = 1 Then If Cells(2, 1) = ">" Then Cells(2, 1) = "ll" ElseIf Cells(2, 1) = "ll" Then Cells(2, 1) = ">" Else Cells(2, 1) = ">" End If End If End If If Cells(2, 1) = ">" Then Exit Sub If Target.Row = CY - 1 Then If Target.Borders(xlEdgeBottom).LineStyle > 0 Then Cells(CY, CX).Select ElseIf Cells(CY, CX).Borders(xlEdgeTop).LineStyle > 0 Then Cells(CY, CX).Select Else Cells(CY, CX) = "" CY = CY - 1 If Cells(CY, CX) = "F" Then Cells(CY, CX) = "F" CX = Cells(1, 1) CY = Cells(1, 2) Cells(2, 2) = "yippee!" Cells(2, 2).Speak ElseIf Cells(CY, CX) = "R" Then Cells(CY, CX) = "R" CX = Cells(CY, 1) CY = Cells(CY, 2) Cells(2, 2) = "poof!" Cells(2, 2).Speak ElseIf Cells(CY, CX) = "C" Then Cells(CY, CX) = "C" CY = Cells(2, CX) CX = Cells(1, CX) Cells(2, 2) = "poof!" Cells(2, 2).Speak End If Cells(CY, CX) = "J" End If End If If Target.Row = CY + 1 Then If Target.Borders(xlEdgeTop).LineStyle > 0 Then Cells(CY, CX).Select ElseIf Cells(CY, CX).Borders(xlEdgeBottom).LineStyle > 0 Then Cells(CY, CX).Select Else Cells(CY, CX) = "" CY = CY + 1 If Cells(CY, CX) = "F" Then Cells(CY, CX) = "F" CX = Cells(1, 1) CY = Cells(1, 2) Cells(2, 2) = "yippee!" Cells(2, 2).Speak ElseIf Cells(CY, CX) = "R" Then Cells(CY, CX) = "R" CX = Cells(CY, 1) CY = Cells(CY, 2) Cells(2, 2) = "poof!" Cells(2, 2).Speak ElseIf Cells(CY, CX) = "C" Then Cells(CY, CX) = "C" CY = Cells(2, CX) CX = Cells(1, CX) Cells(2, 2) = "poof!" Cells(2, 2).Speak End If Cells(CY, CX) = "J" End If End If If Target.Column = CX + 1 Then If Target.Borders(xlEdgeLeft).LineStyle > 0 Then Cells(CY, CX).Select ElseIf Cells(CY, CX).Borders(xlEdgeRight).LineStyle > 0 Then Cells(CY, CX).Select Else Cells(CY, CX) = "" CX = CX + 1 If Cells(CY, CX) = "F" Then Cells(CY, CX) = "F" CX = Cells(1, 1) CY = Cells(1, 2) Cells(2, 2) = "yippee!" Cells(2, 2).Speak ElseIf Cells(CY, CX) = "R" Then Cells(CY, CX) = "R" CX = Cells(CY, 1) CY = Cells(CY, 2) Cells(2, 2) = "poof!" Cells(2, 2).Speak ElseIf Cells(CY, CX) = "C" Then Cells(CY, CX) = "C" CY = Cells(2, CX) CX = Cells(1, CX) Cells(2, 2) = "poof!" Cells(2, 2).Speak End If Cells(CY, CX) = "J" End If End If If Target.Column = CX - 1 Then If Target.Borders(xlEdgeRight).LineStyle > 0 Then Cells(CY, CX).Select ElseIf Cells(CY, CX).Borders(xlEdgeLeft).LineStyle > 0 Then Cells(CY, CX).Select Else Cells(CY, CX) = "" CX = CX - 1 If Cells(CY, CX) = "F" Then Cells(CY, CX) = "F" CX = Cells(1, 1) CY = Cells(1, 2) Cells(2, 2) = "yippee!" Cells(2, 2).Speak ElseIf Cells(CY, CX) = "R" Then Cells(CY, CX) = "R" CX = Cells(CY, 1) CY = Cells(CY, 2) Cells(2, 2) = "poof!" Cells(2, 2).Speak ElseIf Cells(CY, CX) = "C" Then Cells(CY, CX) = "C" CY = Cells(2, CX) CX = Cells(1, CX) Cells(2, 2) = "poof!" Cells(2, 2).Speak End If Cells(CY, CX) = "J" End If End If Cells(CY, CX).Select If Cells(CY, CX).Font.Bold = True Then playerdead = True End If If playerdead = True Then Cells(CY, CX) = "N" Cells(2, 2) = "ouch!" Cells(2, 2).Speak Else Cells(CY, CX) = "J" End If End Sub

Which cells have DNA as their genetic material?

Haploid cells like sperm cells,ova,bacteria

What do body cells do not contribute to genetic material?

sex cells

What materials solar cells are made of and how they are consteucted?

Solar cells (also known as photovoltaic cells) are made of solar cells. To be more specific, they are made of slices of a semiconductor with a metal layer.

An agent that reproduces in cells but is not composed of cells and contains RNA as its genetic material is what?

A virus

Related questions

What factor allows organisms such a planarian worms and plants to regenerate new individuals from fragments of parent organisms?

totipotency of cells

About how much long after fertilization do human cells lose totipotency?

5 to 7 days

What factor allows organisms such as planarian worms and worms and plants to regenerate?

A factor called totipotency is attributed to the cells of such organisms. This trait allows any cell in the organism to create any and every type of cell necessary for the organism's function, unlike in most creatures where cells only create more cells of its type.

What factor allows organisms such as worms and plants to regenerate new individuals from fragments of parent organism?

totipotency of cells

What factors allows organisms such as worms and plants to regenerate new individuals fragments of parent organisms?

totipotency of cells

What factor allows organisms such as planarian worms and plant to regenerate new individuals from fragments of organisms?

totipotency of cells

What factor allows organism such as planarian worms and plants to regenerate new individuals from fragments of parents organisms?

totipotency of cells

What factor allows organisms such as planarians worms and plants to regenerate new individuals from fragments of parent organisms?

totipotency of cells

Who discovered cellular totipotency?

Totipotency was first discovered by German scientist Hans Spemann in the early 20th century. Spemann demonstrated that individual cells from early embryos of salamanders were capable of developing into complete organisms when transplanted into other embryos. This discovery laid the foundation for our understanding of cellular totipotency in embryonic development.

What does it mean for a plant to be totipotent?

The definition of totipotency is the ability of a single cell to divide and produce all of the differentiated cells in an organism. Totipotency are cells that have the largest differentiation potential.

How discovered the term totypotency?

The term "totipotency" was first introduced in the field of plant research by Gottlieb Haberlandt in 1902. He used it to describe the ability of plant cells to generate an entire organism under specific conditions, highlighting their remarkable regenerative capacity. The concept of totipotency has since been extended to animal cells and is now a fundamental principle in the fields of developmental biology and regenerative medicine.

What characteristics of plant is responsible for totipotency?

it has cell wall