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Q: What are the static characters in a visit to grandmother?
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Who portrayed a dynamic character in a visit to grandmother?

Some of the characters that were dynamic are Dr. Dunford and his mother.

Who are the dynamic and static characters in boy in striped pajamas?

Dynamic: Gretel, maybe pavel Static: father,Fury,Furys girlfriend/eva, mother, grandmother,grandfather,lieutenant kolter

Are static and flat characters the same?

no they are not, static characters are rarely flat characters

What is the rising action of the story A Visit to Grandmother by William Melvin Kelley?

The rising action of "A Visit to Grandmother" includes Chig's decision to visit his father, his trip to his childhood home, and his interactions with his family members that lead up to the climax of the story. These events build tension and develop the characters as they confront unresolved issues from the past.

Who are the static characters in The Hunger Games?

Cato, Rue, and Foxface are a few static characters in the novel.

What is the opposite of a dynamic character?

flat or static characters do not undergo change and are also minor characters flat or static characters do not undergo change and are also minor characters

Why arent most protagonists static characters?

Type your answer hWhy aren't most protagonists static characters?ere...

Who are the major characters in tanya reunion?

the major characters are: Tanya her grandmother Keisha

What are the two types of characters?

The two types of characters in literature are static and dynamic characters. Static characters remain the same throughout the story, while dynamic characters experience significant internal change or growth.

What is the compound verb he will visit his grandmother and take her to dinner?

Will visit, take

How can Alice Horton be Stefano's grandmother?

Alice Horton is not Stefano's grandmother. The two characters are not related.

Who are the static characters in the monkey's paw?
