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The body of the loop.

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Q: What are the statements executed within a loop collectively known as?
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Does The statements within a while loop execute at least once?

No. If the loop condition is not satisfied then the loop would not be executed even once. while(condition) { ..... /statements ..... } here,when the condition is true then the statements will be executed. Otherwise they would be skipped without being executed. Only for do.. while loops this execution at least once holds good.

Explain Selection control statements and Iteration statements in C plus plus?

Selection control statements in C++There are basically two types of control statements in c++ which allows the programmer to modify the regular sequential execution of statements.They are selection and iteration statements. The selection statements allow to choose a set of statements for execution depending on a condition. If statement and switch statement are two statements which allow selection in c++. There is also an operator known as conditional operator which enables selection.If statementSyntax : if (expression or condition){ statement 1;statement 2;}else{ statement 3;statement 4;}The expression or condition is any expression built using relational operators which either yields true or false condition. If no relational operators are used for comparison, then the expression will be evaluated and zero is taken as false and non zero value is taken as true. If the condition is true, statement1 and statement2 is executed otherwise statement 3 and statement 4 is executed. Else part in the if statement is optional. If there is no else part, then the next statement after the if statement is exceuted, if the condition is false. If there is only one statement to be executed in the if part or in the else part, braces can be omitted.Following example program implements the ifstatement.// evenodd.cpp# include # include void main(){int num;cout

What is property procedure?

A property procedure is a series of Visual Basic statements that manipulate a custom property on a module, class, or structure. Property procedures are also known as property accessors.

What is the function of the instruction counter?

There is no such thing as an instruction counter. You are either referring to the instruction register (IR) or the program counter (PC), The PC is more commonly known as the instruction pointer (IP). The IR and IP work together. The IR fetches the instruction currently pointed to by the IP which is then incremented to refer to the next instruction. The IR is then decoded and executed and the cycle repeats ad infinitum (known as the fetch-decode-execute cycle). However, if the fetched instruction is a control transfer instruction (such as JMP), its execution will cause the IP to refer to another address which, in turn, causes execution to "branch" to a new section of code on the next fetch-decode-execute cycle. Note that a low-level JMP is equivalent to a goto statement in high-level code, however code can also branch through high-level if and switch statements as well as structured loops such as for, while and do-while statements.

What is The statements written by the programmer?

In languages that use a C-style syntax (e.g., C, C++ and Java) all code is written using expressions. Expressions may be combined to produce more complex expressions, however an expression or group of expressions only becomes a statement when terminated by a semi-colon. A group of statements enclosed by braces {} is known as a compound statement or code block.

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