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Q: What are the recent trends in non conventional energy?
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Is thermal energy a non conventional source of energy?

This is difficult to decide I think. It has been available for 50 years now - does that make it conventional? It is a well established and reliable energy source.

Graphs used for non conventional sources of energy?

What is the question?

How do you distinguish between conventional and non conventional energy?

Conventional current represents the flow from positive to negative; following the direction that independent positively-charged particles would travel. (N.B: equal charges repel, opposite charges attract.) Non-conventional current represents the flow in the opposite direction (from negative to positive) and is the direction in which electrons would flow.

What are the difference between conventional milling machine and CNC milling machine?

Non conventional Machining is a recent development in machining techniques. It is based on unconventional machining techniques using Laser beam, Electron beam, Electric arc etc. Conventional machining involves the direct contact of tool and work -piece, whereas unconventional machining does not require the direct contact of tool and wor piece. Conventional machining has many disadvantages like tool wear which are not present in Non-conventional machining. Examples : Electric arc machining, Laser cutting , electro discharge machining, plasma cutting etc Advantages of Non-conventional machining: 1) High accuracy and surface finish 2) no direct contact of tool and workpiece, so there is less/no wear 3) tool life is more 4 ) quieter operation Disadvantages of non-conventional machining: 1) high cost 2) complex set-up 3) skilled operator required

Which is used more renewable or non-renewable energy?

non renewable energy

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Definition of conventional and non conventional energy?

Definition of conventional and non conventional energy

Is solar energy conventional energy?

No it is non conventional energy.

How convert conveniotional energy into non conventional energy?

You don't. There is no difference in the type of energy, between the "conventional" and "non-conventional" types. What makes energy conventional or non-conventional is the SOURCE - a conventional source being one that has been used for a long time.

Non conventional energy sources with focus on solar energy?

how convert conveniotional energy into non conventional energy

What ia a non conventional source of energy?

non conventional energy = renewable energy

What is conventional to non - conventional trends?

pandit badri prasad har har bhole sona chandi tole

What are the differences between conventional and non conventional sources of energy?

Conventional sources of energy are well-established and widely used, such as fossil fuels (coal, oil, natural gas), while non-conventional sources are newer and less commonly used, like solar, wind, and geothermal energy. Conventional sources are finite and contribute to environmental issues like air pollution and climate change, whereas non-conventional sources are renewable, cleaner, and more sustainable in the long term. Transitioning to non-conventional sources can help reduce dependency on finite resources and mitigate environmental impacts.

Difference between conventional and non conventional resource of energy?

Conventional resources of energy are those that have been traditionally used, such as fossil fuels (coal, oil, natural gas), while non-conventional resources are newer sources like solar, wind, and geothermal energy. Non-conventional resources are typically renewable and have lower environmental impact compared to conventional resources. Transitioning to non-conventional resources can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and decrease dependence on finite resources.

Which is a better source of energy conventional and non conventional sources of energy?

Non-conventional sources of energy are generally considered better because they are renewable and have lower environmental impacts compared to conventional sources such as fossil fuels. Non-conventional sources like solar, wind, and hydro power offer sustainable alternatives for the future.

Is it possible to replace non-conventional energy sources in the form of conventional energy sources?

Yes, but all the world's attention is on the reverse, the replacement of conventional energy by non-conventional, so I don't see the point of the question

Is hydro power conventional or non conventional energy?

It is conventional because water is natural

What is meant by non conventional energy resources?

The energies which can be used again and again. this type of energy is called non conventional energy. This is otherwise called as renewable energy.