

Best Answer

It is help to:

  • find cities connected with roads.
  • modeling air traffic controller system.
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Q: What are the real world applications of breadth first search and depth first search?
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What is the advantage of iterative deepening search over depth-first?

Iterative deepening effectively performs a breadth-first search in a way that requires much less memory than breadth-first search does. So before explaining the advantage of iterative deepening over depth-first, its important to understand the difference between breadth-first and depth-first search. Depth first explores down the tree first while breadth-first explores all nodes on the first level, then the second level, then the third level, and so on. Breadth-first search is ideal in situations where the answer is near the top of the tree and Depth-first search works well when the goal node is near the bottom of the tree. Depth-first search has much lower memory requirements. Iterative deepening works by running depth-first search repeatedly with a growing constraint on how deep to explore the tree. This gives you you a search that is effectively breadth-first with the low memory requirements of depth-first search. Different applications call for different types of search, so there's not one that is always better than any other.

What is the difference between breadth first search and depth first search in C programming?

Both algoritms can be build very similary. The difference between breadth-first search and depth-first search is order in which elements ar added to OPEN list. In breadth-first search new nodes are appended to the end of OPEN list In depth-first search new nodes are inserted in the begining of OPEN list

Difference between breadth first and depth first search in artificial intelligence?

diference between depth first search and breath first search in artificial intelellegence

How to detect binary search tree as depth first search or breadth first search?


8 Queens Problem using Breadth First Search and Depth First Search?

1 3

How do you print all data in a Binary Search Tree?

By using Depth First Search or Breadth First search Tree traversal algorithm we can print data in Binary search tree.

Breadth First search is used in?


Explain the difference between depth first and breadth first traversing techniques of a graph?

In depth first traversing, the node that is below the current node is considered first. For breadth first traversing, the node to the rightmost of the current mode is considered.

What is the advantages of depth first search?

advantages of depth first search?

What are informed search techniques and uninformed search techniques?

•Uninformed search strategies-Also known as "blind search," uninformed search strategies use no information about the likely "direction" of the goal node(s)-Uninformed search methods: Breadth-first, depth-first, depth-limited, uniform-cost, depth-first iterative deepening, bidirectional•Informed search strategies-Also known as "heuristic search," informed search strategies use information about the domain to (try to) (usually) head in the general direction of the goal node(s)-Informed search methods: Hill climbing, best-first, greedy search, beam search, A, A*

Is breadth first search bidirectional?

It can be. It depends on the structure and how it is implemented.

What is the difference between blind search and heuristic search?

Heuristic search algorithms have knowledge of where the goal or finish of the graph. For example, in a maze, they would know which path leads in the direction of the goal. Blind search algorithms have no knowledge of where the goal is, and wander "blindly" through the graph. Blind search techniques include Breadth-first, Depth-first search, etc. Heuristic search techniques include Best-first, A*, etc.