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Properties of an op-amp are as follows:

1.Very high open loop gain which remains constant over the frequency range in which the device is to be used.

2.Very high input impedance to minimize the current drawn by the circuit with little losses.

3.Very low output impedance

4. They are stable, i.e. not liable to burst into parasitic oscillation.

5. They are free from drift caused by ambient temperature changes.

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13y ago

Infinite gain, infinite input impedance, zero output impedance, infinite frequency response.

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15y ago

High Gain and high input impedance.

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Possibly Linear, in which case it means analog. The LM324 is an opamp.

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What is the use of offset null in an opamp?

A: Any offset whether is voltage or current is an output error to contend with.

Why it is desirable for an op amp to have a high CMRR?

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