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Q: What are the physical attributes of all the members of the class amphibias?
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Is class abstract or concrete?

The noun 'class' is a concrete noun as a word for a physical group of people.The noun 'class' is an abstract noun as a word for things belonging together based on common attributes, qualities, or traits; a given group in society.

Is Class abstract or concrete noun?

The noun 'class' is a concrete noun as a word for a physical group of people.The noun 'class' is an abstract noun as a word for things belonging together based on common attributes, qualities, or traits; a given group in society.

Is class a concrete or abstract noun?

The noun 'class' is a concrete noun as a word for a physical group of people.The noun 'class' is an abstract noun as a word for things belonging together based on common attributes, qualities, or traits; a given group in society.

How do you access java attributes class?

through the imporrt

What is meant by inheritance in c plus plus language?

Inheritance in C++ and in other Object Oriented languages is the creation of a class that incorporates a different class. The child (or derived) class "inherits" all of the elements (attributes and methods) of the parent (or base) class. Depending on the design of the base class, the derived class can use methods and attributes of the base class as if they were its own. Typically, however, attributes of the base class are private to the base class and inaccessible to the derived class so as to maintain class hierarchy and data encapsulation.

What is class in DBMS?

class in dbms is nothing but a collection of attributes.... class in java is defined as collection of objects....:D

How do you Design a java class to represent a bank account that includes the following data members owner nameAcc no and balance amount and method membersassign initial valuesdeposit Balance?

design a class library that works on library system that include the following attributes and methods

Can a parent class access the functions of child class?

no, Parent class can not access the members of child class ,but child class can access members of parent class

Is it true that a derived class inherits all the members of its base class?

False. A derived class inherits the public and protected members of its base class. Private members of the base class cannot be inherited.

AQWorlds is Protosartorium class for members?

Yes, the Protosartorium class is for members only.

What are attributes and methods in class?

Attributes are the class member variables, the data, fields or other properties that define the class state. Methods are the functions of a class, the operations that define its behaviour, typically working in conjunction with the class member attributes to either alter the class state (mutators) or query the class state (accessors). Special methods such as the class constructors, its destructor and conversion operators are invoked indirectly through compiler-generated code while all others are called directly via programmer-generated code.

What contains the roles and definition that use for creating and modifying object class and attributes within active direct?

The Active Directory is what contains the roles and definitions. This is what creates and modify object class and attributes.