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the 4 oops concept are:

1. Encapsulation: The process of wrapping data into a single unit is called Encapsulation

2. Inheritance: This the process in which a properties of a predefined class can be inherited in a new class making the object of that class in the making class.

3. Polymorphism: This the process in which a program can have more than one function with the same name but different parameters.

4. Data Hiding: It is the process of creating a logical insulation between the program and the environment.

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12y ago

1)object 2)class 3)encapsulation 4)abstraction 5)polymorphism 6)inheritance 7)message passing 8)dynamic binding

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Yes. Java is an Object Oriented Programming Language and it supports the OOPS concepts like Inheritance, Polymorphism etc

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abstraction is show nonessential data to user ,

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No, not really if you need a basic website.

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It is a programming language. s of course its a programming language with bottom up approach for programming. because it follows oops concepts

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The object concept is visual basic net is a part from a book. There are four key concepts of object-oriented development.

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Oops ! I did it again.

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A statement of relationship between two or more concepts describes how the concepts are connected or interact with each other. It can highlight similarities, differences, dependencies, or impacts between the concepts to better understand their relationship and implications.

Why oops what are oops?

Simply - "OOPS is a methodology for building the software applications."-