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%c The character format specifier.

%d The integer format specifier.

%i The integer format specifier (same as %d).

%f The floating-point format specifier.

%e The scientific notation format specifier.

%E The scientific notation format specifier.

%g Uses %f or %e, whichever result is shorter.

%G Uses %f or %E, whichever result is shorter.

%o The unsigned octal format specifier.

%s The string format specifier.

%u The unsigned integer format specifier.

%x The unsigned hexadecimal format specifier.

%X The unsigned hexadecimal format specifier.

%p Displays the corresponding argument that is a pointer.

%n Records the number of characters written so far.

%% Outputs a percent sign.

Provided that 'modifier' means 'format specifier'.

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Q: What are the list of modifier in turbo c language?
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Nothing. C is the language, TurboC is an Integrated Developing Environment (IDE).

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Turbo C is a compiler for a general purpose computer programming language called C. It transforms code written in C into the computer language needed for executable programming.

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Turbo C is a software where C or C++ programming environment resides in.But C++ is itself a programming language.

Are turbo c and c language the same?

Not necessarily. You would need to look at conformance level, particularly since Turbo C is obsolete.

Who is the founder of turbo c?

Turbo c program is from Borland which is an integrated development environment and a computer language. Some of the parts of turbo c were incorporated from the wizard c in 1987, but it was first developed by Dennis Ritchie in 1970.

What are the different Turbo C operators?

TurboC is a program, the language is C Some of the operators are: . -> * [] () , ?: = == < <= > >= != + += ++ - -= -- % %= / /= << <<= >> >>= ! ~ ^ & &= && | |=

What are classification of turbo c?

Turbo C was a wonderful IDE for the C programming language, created by Borland. Actually, it was one of the first IDEs ever offered for any programming language. It had some market share in the early 1990s. Please see the related links for a history and its incarnation as Turbo C#.

Who is the founder of turbo c program?

Turbo c program is from Borland which is an integrated development environment and a computer language. Some of the parts of turbo c were incorporated from the wizard c in 1987, but it was first developed by Dennis Ritchie in 1970.