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Q: What are the good social effects of limestone buildings?
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Reasons for building a limestone quarry?

Building a limestone quarry can provide a steady supply of raw material for construction projects, such as roads, buildings, and infrastructure. It can also create job opportunities and stimulate economic growth in the local community. Additionally, limestone quarries can help meet the growing demand for aggregates in the construction industry.

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to make saltpetre all you need to use is limestone and fertilizer good luck with the rest of the good =^[)

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The effects of tourism in England * economy is growing *social and psycholical problems *Western- lifestyle spreads *agent of globalisation

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floods can destroy many buildings, possessions and break communications. But on the other hand it is good because the flood is great for growing crops.

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There are good and bad social effects of tourism. A good effect is that there will be money to spend on public facilities and festivals. A bad effect is that the city may become overcrowded and lead to increased crime.

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Soccer, promotes good health, strong heart, lean muscles, and great social interactivity. Also it promotes leadership.

How do you prevent acid rain damaging buildings?

Basically you have to use metal/steel which doesn't get affected by acids. So Limestone and Marble WILL NOT be a good choice. I don't know much though so yeah this is what i know... Hope it helps :)

Why is limestone good for making cement?

Limestone is made up of calcium oxide which is the key ingredient to make cement. The limestone is mixed in with a particular clay to get the cement mixture.

What is a good sentence for limestone?

Limestone is a sedimentary rock formed from the accumulation of skeletal fragments of marine organisms like coral and mollusks.