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Q: What are the examples of materials that have been improved by technology?
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What are examples of materials that have been improved by technology?

These are the better examples and conversions of materials improved by technology.:an old television into a new flat screen televisionBeta max into a new DVD PlayerType writer into a new laptoplocking doors into a new automatic door opener

Other materials that interest yo which have been improved through technology and the application of science concepts?


What are 5 materials improved by technology?

Some examples of materials that were improved by technology are:Concrete was improved by reinforcing with steel bars.Wood was improved by lamination into plywood.Glass was improved by purifying processes and production methodsPlastics were improved by changing additivesTextiles have been improved by new methods and fibers

What materials have been improved through technology?

Ah. A hard question to answered. cause it is a lot of materials. almost all materials have been improved trough technology. like it is almost none that dont have been trough out history. if you take one like Iron. the iron that you cal iron is never pure, but have some other materials that trough testing and technology have been inproved in one way that suits the need. Iron itself is weak. steel is it caled, Iron and carbon and some other elements. but also iron in medical pils is also one here.

What sports have been improved by technology?

Many sports have been improved by technology, instant replay has revolutionized the sports, and made it easier for refs to make the right calls.

Bad effects of materials improved by technology?

Technologically enhanced wafers of crystalline silicon etched with tiny electric pathways offer the benefit of bringing both profound and pointless remarks from across the world to your very own screen.

How have computers improved with technology?

It depends on what brand. some have been improved on display and smaller pixels.

What improvements have been made to the telephone over the past 100 years?

In the years inventors have improved the telephone with their knowledge and have put more technology in them.In the years inventors have improved the telephone with their knowledge and have put more technology in them.In the years inventors have improved the telephone with their knowledge and have put more technology in them.In the years inventors have improved the telephone with their knowledge and have put more technology in them.In the years inventors have improved the telephone with their knowledge and have put more technology in them.In the years inventors have improved the telephone with their knowledge and have put more technology in them.In the years inventors have improved the telephone with their knowledge and have put more technology in them.In the years inventors have improved the telephone with their knowledge and have put more technology in them.In the years inventors have improved the telephone with their knowledge and have put more technology in them.In the years inventors have improved the telephone with their knowledge and have put more technology in them.In the years inventors have improved the telephone with their knowledge and have put more technology in them.In the years inventors have improved the telephone with their knowledge and have put more technology in them.In the years inventors have improved the telephone with their knowledge and have put more technology in them.In the years inventors have improved the telephone with their knowledge and have put more technology in them.

How has the drinking fountain been improved with technology?

Drinking fountain was improved using fluidpower technology where water pump pressurized the flow of water into its outlet thereby creating a jet-liked flow.

How are digital cameras been improved?

well the technology has become more better than it used to be.

What element might fuel cars?

hydrogen can fuel a car once the technology has been improved.

How do you calculate Days on Hand of Raw material?

Raw materials are materials that have been harvested from the earth. Lumber, metal ores, and grain are all examples of raw materials. Processed materials are materials which have been refined or built by humans from raw materials. Examples would include paper, steel, or glass