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There are only two types: user-defined and compiler-generated. User-defined overloads are the ones you specifically write. Compiler-generated overloads are created by the compiler based upon a template function that you define. The only real difference is that with a template function you only need to write one version of the function, and the compiler will generate the actual overloads on an as-required basis. With user-defined overloads you must write each overload in full.

Template functions save a lot of time and maintenance, however they are only practical when the only difference between the overloads is the type of argument. That is, if the implementation is exactly the same regardless of type, then template functions are clearly a better option than writing out each overload by hand. Moreover, if you ever need to alter the implementation, there's only one function to modify.

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Q: What are the different types of overloading allowed in c plus plus?
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Difference between Method overloading and method overriding in C plus plus?

Yes. Any base class method that is declared virtual can be overridden by a derived class. Overriding a method that is not declared virtual can still be called, but will not be called polymorphically. That is, if you call the base class method, the base class method will execute, not the override. To call a non-virtual override you must call it explicitly.

Why use new and delete operator overloading in c plus plus?

one reason to use new and delete operator overloading in c++ is when you are using your own memory manager code. when the user of your code calls the new keywork, your memory manager code can allocate memory.

What are the drawbacks of function overloading?

None whatsoever. There is always the chance you will end up creating overloaded functions that are never used, but your compiler should be able to eliminate these for you (unreachable code). Otherwise there is no harm in having them in your source code, especially if the code is intended to be re-usable. For those that are functionally the same, the only difference being the type of parameter, template functions are a far better solution to overloading for every conceivable type. The compiler will generate the overloads for you, on an as-required basis, and you only have the one function to maintain.

What are the disadvantage of operator overloading?

The only disadvantage of operator overloading is when it is used non-intuitively. All operators must behave with predictable results, thus it makes no sense to implement the plus (+) operator so that it behaves like a subtract (-) operator, or a multiply (*) operator, or indeed anything other than the intuitive sum of two objects.

What is the difference between overloading and overriding and polymorphism in terms of C plus plus?

In C++, overloading, overriding, and polymorphism have the following meanings...Overloading is when you create two functions of the same name, but with different argument types, or with a different number of arguments. The compiler generates code for each case. This can be done inside or outside a class. Operators can also be overloaded, as they are (for all practical purposes) functions, but operators can only be overloaded in the context of a class.Overriding is when you derive a child class from a base class, and you replace a method (function) of the base class with a method of the child class using the same type and number of arguments. This is not overloading - it is redeclaration - and the overridden method only applies when dealing with an instance of the child class.Polymorphism is the same as overriding, except that you declare any base method virtual, making all base and derived methods virtual. Virtual, in the context of a class, means to create a table in the static portion (all instances) of the class that point to the specific overridden variants of the methods of the class. This allows you to declare a pointer to the base class, initialize it with the address of an instance of either the base class or any of the child classes, invoke a method of the class, and have the proper binding determined at run-time.

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What is the c plus plus program to calculate the area of a circle using function overloading?

Function overloading is used when you want to re-use the same function name with different argument types or a different number of arguments. Calculating the area of a circle isn't the sort of function that requires overloading since the only argument you need is the radius. double area_of_circle (const double radius) { const double pi=4*atan(1); return pi*radius*radius; }

Difference between Method overloading and method overriding in C plus plus?

Yes. Any base class method that is declared virtual can be overridden by a derived class. Overriding a method that is not declared virtual can still be called, but will not be called polymorphically. That is, if you call the base class method, the base class method will execute, not the override. To call a non-virtual override you must call it explicitly.

Why use new and delete operator overloading in c plus plus?

one reason to use new and delete operator overloading in c++ is when you are using your own memory manager code. when the user of your code calls the new keywork, your memory manager code can allocate memory.

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What are the drawbacks of function overloading?

None whatsoever. There is always the chance you will end up creating overloaded functions that are never used, but your compiler should be able to eliminate these for you (unreachable code). Otherwise there is no harm in having them in your source code, especially if the code is intended to be re-usable. For those that are functionally the same, the only difference being the type of parameter, template functions are a far better solution to overloading for every conceivable type. The compiler will generate the overloads for you, on an as-required basis, and you only have the one function to maintain.

What are the benefits of over loading function in C plus plus?

Overloading allows us to provide different implementations of the same function depending on the number and type of arguments we pass. We can achieve the same thing using templates, where we can provide a common, generic implementation, regardless of argument type, specialising for more specific types where necessary. For instance, implementations that operate upon objects differ from those that operate upon pointers to objects; to cater for both we must overload the functions that provide those implementations.

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