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CW Radar or Continues Wave Radar uses a constant transmission and is usually used for angle only tracking and can be combined with a second emission that is pulses or swept to deuce range using and separate antenna (or on a time schedule in some cases). The CW part of a CW Radar reference to the transition duty Ratio and because Dead and Listen time are over lapped they normally have two antennas. FM CW Radar or Frequency Modulated Continues Wave Radar, is similar to the CW set up but the Carrier Radio Frequency is swept, when processed this data can produce range data. Again the Dead and Listen time our overlapped and it is normal for separated antenna to be used. The Frequency sweep is repeated in successive management ion different angles Pulsed Radar Transmits a short pulse rather then continuously like the FMCW Radar or CW Radar and has a short Dead time and long listen time During the dead time when the transmission pulse is emitted the receiver is blanked to protect it, After the pulse has completed transmission the receiver is opened to receive the returns. This means that the receiver and transmission times are mutually exclusive and therefore the same antenna can used for both jobs. As the pulse is short the transmission peak power maybe higher then the CW Power but is present for less time. I Hybrid Radar is ICW or Interrupted Continues Wave (some times called Interrupted Carrier Wave) which is really a pulse radar with a high duty cycle.

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Doppler radar uses the Doppler effect to distinguish between stationary and moving targets. There is no comparison between Doppler radars and pulsed radars.

they both are different parameters.

pulse and continuous waves refer to the type of information signal we want to modulate with high frequency signal called modulated signal. for example an S band radar can have 2 micr sec of information pulse signal and 3 giga Hz of modulated signal.

while continuous wave radars only have changed information signal.

now adays only pulsed radars are manufactured. continouse radars have some disadvantages.

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Q: What are the differences between cw radar and fmcw radar?
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Defferential cw radar and pulsed radar?

CW Radar or Continues Wave Radar uses a constant transmission and is usually used for angle only tracking and can be combined with a second emission that is pulses or swept to deuce range using and separate antenna (or on a time schedule in some cases). The CW part of a CW Radar reference to the transition duty Ratio and because Dead and Listen time are over lapped they normally have two antennas. FM CW Radar or Frequency Modulated Continues Wave Radar, is similar to the CW set up but the Carrier Radio Frequency is swept, when processed this data can produce range data. Again the Dead and Listen time our overlapped and it is normal for separated antenna to be used. The Frequency sweep is repeated in successive management ion different angles Pulsed Radar Transmits a short pulse rather then continuously like the FMCW Radar or CW Radar and has a short Dead time and long listen time During the dead time when the transmission pulse is emitted the receiver is blanked to protect it, After the pulse has completed transmission the receiver is opened to receive the returns. This means that the receiver and transmission times are mutually exclusive and therefore the same antenna can used for both jobs. As the pulse is short the transmission peak power maybe higher then the CW Power but is present for less time. A Hybrid Radar is ICW or Interrupted Continues Wave (some times called Interrupted Carrier Wave) which is really a pulse radar with a high duty cycle.

What is the function of the oscillator in a cw transmitter?

It is the engine of the transmission system. It determines the frequency of where the CW transmission happens. CW transmission is the most efficient form of transmission. The majoity of power in this system is used for actual transmission and not for modulating a signal.

What is the cw pipes?

coil welded type

Is it necessary to do the inspection of material and welding consumable used for the Welder qualification test?

See the following website: http:/wwwzperiodzawszperiodzorg/certification/CW

What is the final stage of a transmitter in telecommunication?

The power amplifier that drives the antenna. In CW transmitters and some AM transmitters this stage is also the modulator, in others (and in non-AM transmitters) the modulator is in an earlier stage.

Related questions

Why FMCW radar has better range resolution than CW radar?

FM CW radar sweeps the Radio Frequency over time. Time in Radar equates to range and results in a high spectral density at every range. CW radar has a much lower spectral density and does not code range with frequency in the same way.

What are differences between CW radar and pulse radar?

CW Radar or Continues Wave Radar uses a constant transmission and is usually used for angle only tracking and can be combined with a second emission that is pulses or swept to deuce range using and separate antenna (or on a time schedule in some cases). The CW part of a CW Radar reference to the transition duty Ratio and because Dead and Listen time are over lapped they normally have two antennas. FM CW Radar or Frequency Modulated Continues Wave Radar, is similar to the CW set up but the Carrier Radio Frequency is swept, when processed this data can produce range data. Again the Dead and Listen time our overlapped and it is normal for separated antenna to be used. The Frequency sweep is repeated in successive management ion different angles Pulsed Radar Transmits a short pulse rather then continuously like the FMCW Radar or CW Radar and has a short Dead time and long listen time During the dead time when the transmission pulse is emitted the receiver is blanked to protect it, After the pulse has completed transmission the receiver is opened to receive the returns. This means that the receiver and transmission times are mutually exclusive and therefore the same antenna can used for both jobs. As the pulse is short the transmission peak power maybe higher then the CW Power but is present for less time. A Hybrid Radar is ICW or Interrupted Continues Wave (some times called Interrupted Carrier Wave) which is really a pulse radar with a high duty cycle.

Advantages of cw radar?

This is a some-what loaded question. Advantages compared to what? My assumption is that you are comparing CW to Pulsed Radar systems. From there the question needs further defined by application. Differences between Pulsed and CW radar could be a book. Generally Continuous Wave Radar references a radar system in which the transmitter is never turned off. The target illuminating, radio frequency emitter power is non-stop and unbroken. Isolation between the transmitter and receiver has to be specially considered during design. CW Radars have the advantage of not having blind range. They also have they also have the advantage of not missing targets that are in there field of view for less time than the Pulse Recurrent Time (PRT) of the radar.

Cw radar vs cw radar?

CW in reference to radar usually means Continuous Wave. (CW Radar = Continuous Wave Radar) I don't think that it is usually referred to in a case sensitive way. You will need to explain the context better. Continuous Wave Radar references a radar system in which the transmitter is never turned off. The target illuminating, radio frequency emitter power is non-stop and unbroken. Isolation between the transmitter and receiver has to be specially considered during design.

What is difference between pulse radar and CW radar?

CW or continuous-wave radar cannot determine range due to the lack of a listening period where the radar signal is silent. Pulse radar has a silent listening period (hence the name pulse radar). Therefore it can determine the range of the object causing the return by counting the elapsed time between transmission and receipt of the echo. The above is not quite correct, Continuous Wave Radar and Pulsed Radar differ by there relationship between the Pulse Width (tau) and the scene size (Swath). CW Radar's determine range by Frequency Modulation (FM) ranging this means that they ramp the RF frequency within the pulse during the transmission and are known as FMCW Radar. Pulsed Radar on the other hand use the pulse timing but can also use the FM Ranging trick to enhanced there signal to noise and reduce there probability of interference or detection/interception. CW radar can deduce range by delaying the transmit signal and mixing it with the receive such that it becomes a homodyne receiver and in such cases it is usual to ramp the RF and perhaps use two aerials rather then just one with a duplexer switch like in a Pulse radar system. Edit- hmm i feel the above answer is bit too complex... i don't think typical person would go as far as concerning FM or Pulse Delay Ranging here's my Answer DIFFERENCES BETWEEN PULSE AND CW RADAR Basis -Transmission Pulse RADAR puts delay between transmitting and receiving periods so the time between transmitted pulse and received pulse is different While CW RADAR, Transmit continuously -Antennas Pulse RADAR may use same antenna for Receiving and Transmitting , when transmitting the receiver is "blanked" and while Receiving the receiver is Activated and transmitter is blanked .. this is done by a device called "Duplexer" CW RADAR typically used 2 Antennas, one for transmit another one to Receive since there are no delay to receive as what usually seen in pulse RADAR -Ranging technique Pulse RADAR may use "Pulse Delay Ranging" to provide Range measurements , Frequency Modulation Ranging may also possible , especially for pulse RADAR that transmit many pulses and have very shot time to "listen" example is FMICW (Frequency Modulated Interrupted Continuous Wave RADAR) While CW RADAR provides Range by means of Doppler based Ranging (FM Ranging)

Defferential cw radar and pulsed radar?

CW Radar or Continues Wave Radar uses a constant transmission and is usually used for angle only tracking and can be combined with a second emission that is pulses or swept to deuce range using and separate antenna (or on a time schedule in some cases). The CW part of a CW Radar reference to the transition duty Ratio and because Dead and Listen time are over lapped they normally have two antennas. FM CW Radar or Frequency Modulated Continues Wave Radar, is similar to the CW set up but the Carrier Radio Frequency is swept, when processed this data can produce range data. Again the Dead and Listen time our overlapped and it is normal for separated antenna to be used. The Frequency sweep is repeated in successive management ion different angles Pulsed Radar Transmits a short pulse rather then continuously like the FMCW Radar or CW Radar and has a short Dead time and long listen time During the dead time when the transmission pulse is emitted the receiver is blanked to protect it, After the pulse has completed transmission the receiver is opened to receive the returns. This means that the receiver and transmission times are mutually exclusive and therefore the same antenna can used for both jobs. As the pulse is short the transmission peak power maybe higher then the CW Power but is present for less time. A Hybrid Radar is ICW or Interrupted Continues Wave (some times called Interrupted Carrier Wave) which is really a pulse radar with a high duty cycle.

Why frequency modulation is prefer in FM cw radars?

Because if they didn't use frequency modulation it wouldn't be called an "FM" CW Radar...

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I have this cw right now lol im struggling so bad

What has the author David Knox Barton written?

David Knox Barton has written: 'CW and Doppler radar' -- subject(s): Addresses, essays, lectures, Continuous wave radar, Doppler radar

Did The WB turn into The CW?

The WB did indeed turn into half of The CW. The CW is actually a merger between The WB and UPN.

What is the difference between cw and steady at lock-on phase?

What is the difference between cw and steady at lock-on phase? I don't know.

How is frequency difference and time difference measured in FMCW radar?

Frequency modulated continuous-wave (FM-CW) radar is usually used with a couple of different antennas. One is for the transmitted signal, and another one (or more) is (are) used for the reception of any returns. We usually think of radar as a pulse of electromagnetic energy that is transmitted out, and then a receiver looks for any returning (reflected) signal. In FM-CW radar, the transmitter is "always on" and a continuous signal is being sent. Additionally, the frequency of the transmitted signal is varied (or "swept") above and below a center frequency which the local oscillator runs on and maintains. The new units are largely microprocessor controlled pieces of equipment. They take the now-FM-modulated signal and broadcast it continuously (per the name - CW, which is continuous wave), and the returns are picked up by a receiver. The frequency of the return signal is compared to the instantaneous frequency of the transmitter, and the frequency difference can be looked at by a processor which can derive a time difference between the two signals (based on the differential frequency). This derived time difference will be proportional to the distance to the target that returned the signal. Another bit of processing on the signal returned from that target will produce a rate of change of distance, which can be converted to speed. As the power of the processors that we task with these objectives in mind has increased so dramatically, the processor can plot a course and speed with all appropriate vectors we wish to visualize when it puts up its findings on some kind of display - and in color! Particulars become technical very quickly, but the overview is accurate. A link to the Wikipedia article on FMCW is supplied, but at this writing, the article is still a stub that will supply little more than is here already.