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Q: What are the benefits to society in hydropower?
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What are the benefits of hydropower energy source?

they help by producing energy so that we can use light.

What are the benefits of hydropower?

It produces electricity without generating any emissions of greenhouse gases or other waste.

What does hydropower do?

Hydropower creates electricity.

Benefits you get in the society?

Socialization is the main thing you can get from the society.

What is International Hydropower Association's motto?

International Hydropower Association's motto is 'Advancing Sustainable Hydropower'.

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The benefits of ClUb sport to the iNdividual and To society are that read the blocked letters. LOL

The benefits of being a throw away society outweigh the costs to society and the environment or not?

They dont becuase there are not as many benefits as there are costs

What is the purpose of hydropower?

The purpose of hydropower is to generate electricity.

What technology is needed to harvest hydropower?

Hydropower technology

How society benefits from entrepreneurship?

all society are beneficial especially the consumers.

What are three benefits or advantages of hydropower?

Three benefits of advantages for hydro-power 1) It's renewable 2) It produces 19% of the worlds energy 3) It's safer than many other forms of energy

What are the three benefits or advantages of hydropower?

Three benefits of advantages for hydro-power 1) It's renewable 2) It produces 19% of the worlds energy 3) It's safer than many other forms of energy