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Q: What are the arguments against building the windmill?
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What topic divided the animals Which pig was for and which was against?

The topic that divided the animals was the building of a windmill on the farm. Snowball was for building the windmill as a means to improve the animals' lives, while Napoleon was against it, claiming it was a waste of time and resources.

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How does napoleon take credit for the construction of the windmill?

Because he says that it was his idea for building the windmill

What do you call a building with sails which is popular in Holland?

A windmill is a building with "sails."

What does Snowball see for the animals as a result of building the windmill?

The animals will have an easier life if if they build the windmill

What is a Dutch building with sails?

A Dutch building with sails is commonly called a windmill.

How was the building of the windmill going to be different?

It was going to be 3 feet as thick!

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There are no real, good arguments against planning. Having a plan is important in many cases.

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There are many arguments for and against DNA evidence. One argument is that it cannot be disproved as deciding evidence.

What was Snowballs reason for building the windmill?

Snowball wants to build the windmill because it will bring luxuries to the animals and will cut down on the number of days they work a week.