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Applications of heap sort

  • One of the biggest application of heap sort is constructing a priority queue basic idea is that, we want to know the tasks that carry the highest priority, given a large number of things to do. and this is exactly how heap sort works.
  • Another application is interval scheduling. we may have a list of tasks with certain start and finish times and we want to do as many of these tasks as possible in a given period of time. in order to sort the finish time efficient algorithm to use is heap sort .
  • In essence application or algorithm that involves sorting a list of elements will rely heavily on an efficient sorting algorithm and heap sort can provide such a function.
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14y ago
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13y ago

Merge sort type algorithms allowed large data sets to be sorted on early computers that had small random access memories by modern standards. Records were stored onmagnetic tape and processed on banks of magnetic tape drives, such as these IBM 729s.

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9y ago

Quicksort is typically used to sort large arrays of data where stability is not a requirement. Stability relates to equal elements remaining in the same order they were input. Most industrial-strength sorting algorithms incorporate quicksort to reduce array partitions until they are small enough to be handled by a more efficient algorithm that is better suited to small arrays. However, quicksort is not suitable for sorting arrays stored on disk; the entire set must be stored in memory. Moreover, although the algorithm can be optimised to handle sequence containers that do not support random access (such as forward lists), it is highly inefficient because the container must be copied to an array, sorted, and then copied back to the original container. One way to improve the efficiency is to use an array of pointers into the original container. Once the array is sorted, traversing forwards through the array to extract each element pointed at and then inserting it at the end of the container will result in the original container being sorted.

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2y ago

Applications of Insertion Sort are as follows: If the cost of comparisons exceeds the cost of swaps, as is the case for example with string keys stored by reference or with human interaction, then using binary insertion sort may yield better performance.

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11y ago

insertion sort is best when we want to sort online data

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Who is best merge sort or insertion sort?

Merge sort is good for large data sets, while insertion sort is good for small data sets.

What is the difference between shell sort and merge sort?

shell uses an odd number,merge uses an even number?

Different types of sorting techniques in c language?

types of sorting in c language are: insertion sort selection sort bubble sort merge sort two way merge sort heap sort quick sort

The easy logic of Merge sort in C?

Top down merge sort is the easy way of merge sort in C language . It is used to derived o(n log n) algorithm . This is in par with the other methods.

Is merge sort external sorting?

Can be. (Meaning: you can merge sorted files without loading them entirely into the main memory.)

Why quick sort better than merge sort?

it has less complexity

How would you sort a linked list?

Use merge sortUse tree sort

Limitations of merge sort and quick sort?

Comolexity Not efficent big data

What is the basic operation in merge sort?

divide and conquer

How do you merge and sort an array using PHP?

To merge and sort an array in PHP you need to use the array_merge() and sort() functions like shown in the example below: <?php $array1 = array(1, 5, 3, 9, 7); $array2 = array(8, 2, 6, 4, 0); // merge the arrays $merge = array_merge($array1, $array2); // 1, 5, 3, 9, 7, 8, 2, 6, 4, 0 // sort the array sort($merge); // 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ?>

Which key element will be best for merge sort and why?

There is no key element in a merge sort. Unlike quick sort which requires a key element (a pivot) to recursively divide a subset into two subsets, merge sort simply divides a subset into subsets of 1 element and merges adjacent subsets together to produce sorted subsets. When there is only one subset remaining, the subset is fully sorted.

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we can give the delay function to the faster processing sort we can give the delay function to the faster processing sort