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Q: What are the advantages of using a boolean data types where nessesary?
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What is a boolean search?

A Boolean search allows you to combine phrases and words using the words (And, Or, Not) to define your search.

What are the advantages of using a firewire scanner over other types of scanners?

There are a few different advantages of using a firewire scanner over the other types of scanners. Generally a firewire scanner works much quicker than other types.

What is a Boolean Connector?

Boolean connectors include "OR," "AND," and "NOT." They may join keywords or keyword phrases. People may use Boolean connectors to refine searches when using a search engine.

What type of database is PostgreSQL?

The types of database supported by PostgreSQL are Boolean, numerics, binary, composite, arrays, and date/time stamps. Another option is that users can create their own database types using this software.

What is the difference between a keyword search and a boolean search?

Boolean Search is something like using differnt operators like and,or, not etc

Which boolean search would return the most useful results?

Using AND

Simplification using Boolean algebra to minimum number of literals?


Which is a boolean operation?

Boolean searches allow you to combine words and phrases using the words AND, OR, NOT and NEAR (otherwise known as Boolean operators) to limit, widen, or define your search. Most Internet search engines and Web directories default to these Boolean search parameters anyway, but a good Web searcher should know how to use basic Boolean operators.

What is boolean operation on triangulated solid?

Boolean operations on traiangulated solids are computer graphic representations of the overlap of two polygons, in this case triangles. They can be created using bitmaps.

a)Why do we simplify Boolean expressions?

Through Boolean algebra simplification, a Boolean expression is translated to another form with less number of terms and operations. A logic circuit for the simplified Boolean expression performs the identical function with fewer logic components as compared to its original form.

Why do you need to express logic functions using Boolean descriptions?

Boolean algebra is a mathematical method used to describe the behavior and operation of digital logic. Boolean descriptions and relationships can help us design logic and predict the behavior of more complex digital systems.