A subroutine is a group of instructions that will be used repeatedly in diff locations
of the program..........rather than repeating the same instructions several times, they can be grouped into a subroutine that is called from diff locations.
8085 has 2 instruction set for dealing with subroutines:
1.CALL -direct the program execution to the subroutine. Generally it pushes address of next instruction of program counter onto the stack,then goes to the address of subroutine.
2.RET:- pops the address of next instruction from the stack and places it in the program counter and returns to that address to continue processing.
For example, you have an often used value stored in HL. You have to call a subroutine that you know will destroy HL (with destroy I mean that HL will be changed to another value, which you perhaps don't know). Instead of first saving HL in a memory location and then loading it back after the subroutine, you can push HL before calling and directly after the calling pop it back. Of course, it's often better to use the pushes and pops inside the subroutine.
with neat diagram explain the system bus structure of 8085
The 8085 microprocessor can access 65536 (2^16) locations in memory, and 256 (2^8) locations in I/O space.
a subroutine is a portion of the code within a larger program which performs a specific function and is independent of remaining code.....delay routines are subroutines used for maintaining the timings of various operations in microprocessor
HL is a register pair that is used to store 16-bit data in 8085 Microprocessor
8085 is a microprocessor designed by Intel
The '8085' in the 8085 microprocessor is the designation given to the microprocessor by Intel. The '5' means it is a single power supply (5 volt) version of the 8080, with enhancements.
+5v necessary for microprocessor 8085.
8085 is a 8 bit microprocessor designed by Intel Co.
with neat diagram explain the system bus structure of 8085
crystal is a oscilltor in microprocessor
The 8085 is not pipelined.
program to find prime number in 8085 microprocessor
+5v supply is alone needed for Intel 8085 Microprocessor
HL is a register pair used to store 16 bit of data in 8085 microprocessor.
There are 74 instructions in the 8085 microprocessor.
03ABH in the 8085 is ... INX B XRA E