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Q: What are some structures that may be subjected to fatigue?
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What different materials and construction techniques are used to build structures to withstand a tornado?

Some methods that do not deviate far from normal construction for small structures such as houses include hurricane ties to help secure the roof, steel anchor bolts for the foundation, and closely spaced beams in the wall. Structures made for intense tornadoes may be build with steel-reinforced concrete.

What is fatigue strength?

Fatigue life is the number of cycles a structure part can take before it breaks. A cycle is when the stress reverses or changes about its mean value as happens during vibration for example. Usually fatigue life is expressed in number of cycles; for example a steel part of a given strength may have its strength reduced in half after 1,000,000 cycles due to fatigue.

How are Structure passing and returning implemented by the complier?

When structures are passed as arguments to functions, the entire structure is typically pushed on the stack, using as many words as are required. (Programmers often choose to use pointers to structures instead, precisely to avoid this overhead.) Some compilers merely pass a pointer to the structure, though they may have to make a local copy to preserve pass-by-value semantics. Structures are often returned from functions in a location pointed to by an extra, compiler-supplied ``hidden'' argument to the function. Some older compilers used a special, static location for structure returns, although this made structure-valued functions non-reentrant, which ANSI C disallows

How Surface finish vs fatigue life of components?

The fatigue life of metals and some plastics too, can be affected by their surface finishes. Fatigue nearly always starts as a surface crack which spreads across the cross-section of the material and weakens it until it is unable to carry the load and it fails either by direct tension of shear stress on the uncracked remnant of the original cross-section. The surface finish of the material contributes adversly to the initiatian period before a crack starts, and when the surface is rough a stress concentration is present there. When there is no roughness present the crystaline nature of the material itself may be the cause of the crack starting. But when the surface is rough this process is faster due to having greater local stresses. So with increasingly rougher surfaces the fatigue life becomes progressively shorter. Depending on the spectrum of applied loads, this very local stress is responsible for the initiation of the crack which spreads with time. In sheet metal the spread is slow but in heavy solid pieces of metal, the speed of the crack is much faster so the start and finishing times are not very different.

Explain bilging of empty double bottom or deep tank in ships below the waterline leads to increase in GM?

It is as good as adding weight below waterline. So the center of gravity will move towards the keel and the GM will increase as KM-KG=GM. It may be subjected to Free surface correction till it gets filled up finally. Till then the GM loss may be experienced. Captain PK JAIN It is as good as adding weight below waterline. So the center of gravity will move towards the keel and the GM will increase as KM-KG=GM. It may be subjected to Free surface correction till it gets filled up finally. Till then the GM loss may be experienced. Captain PK JAIN There are two methods of calculating ship's stability. one is constant displacement( also known as buoyancy method) method and another is added weight method.

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How does forces affect structures?

Forces affect structures by applying loads that cause stress and deformation in the elements that make up the structure. Depending on the type and magnitude of the forces, structures may experience compression, tension, shear, or bending, which can impact their stability and integrity. Design considerations such as material selection, shape, and support are important in ensuring that structures can withstand the forces they are subjected to.

Do guys experience increased fatigue or sleepiness when their partner is pregnant?

Yes, some men may experience increased fatigue or sleepiness when their partner is pregnant due to stress, emotional changes, and increased responsibilities.

Fatigue may be caused by?

Depression sadness

What aer the signs that you might be about to start your period?

Everyone is different but some signs may be: irritability, bloating, fatigue, cramping, and cravings.

What is experimental fatigue?

Exposure to many conditions may result in experimental fatigue,or practice effects,which may influence the results of the study and make the interpretation of the findings difficult.

What are some pregnancy signs to look for?

If you have missed your period and think that you may be pregnant there are some signs that women typically encounter. Some symptoms may be swollen or tender breasts, fatigue, darkened areolas, constipation and an increase of smell.

What is name of a chronic condition that is characterized by profound fatigue that is not improved by bed rest and may be made worse by physical or mental activity?

chronic fatigue syndrome

Factors that may promote muscle fatigue?

There are various factors which might promote muscle fatigue. For example, if you are particularly active when you are not normally.

Can chlamydia cause fatigue?

Chlamydia may cause fatigue, particularly if the infection is causing pelvic inflammatory disease or other complications.

What kind of damage do tornadoes have on structures?

That depends on the type of structure and the intensity of the tornado that affects it. The Ehnahced Fujita scale assesses damage to different structures based on type and quality of construction. The categories on the scale are as follows, with damage that might be expected.EF0: Some shingles, gutters, siding and/or awnings may be peeled away. Some windows may break. Fences are blown down. Weak outbuildings may be destroyed. Some structures may suffer severe damage from falling trees.EF1: Many types of structure suffer severe loss of roof surface material. Poorly secured roofs may be torn from houses. Some very weak exterior walls may collapse. Trailer homes are badly damage or overturned. Barns and garages are destroyed.EF2: Roofs are torn from small businesses and well-constructed houses. Some exterior walls may collapse. Trailer homes are completely destroyed. Unanchored structures may shift.EF3: Numerous walls, both exterior and interior, collapse or are torn away from well-built houses and other structures. Sometimes only a small section of wall is left standing. Weaker structures including some houses may be leveled. Steel trnasmission towers collapse.EF4: Most structures, including well-built houses, are leveled. Some weaker houses may be blown away.EF5: Well-constructed houses are blown clean of their foundations and scattered. Steel-reinforced masonry structures are leveled.See the links below for pictures and video of damage examples.

A person who is subjected to noise pollution over a prolonged period may suffer from .?

A person who is subjected to noise pollution over a prolonged period will likely suffer from hearing loss.

Can inflammation in the body cause fatigue?

Yes, inflammation can cause fatigue. The inflammatory reaction of the immune system often causes fatigue, and lack of sleep due to pain may also contribute to a sense of tiredness.