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Q: What are some positive points for drilling for oil?
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To drill oil do you have to cut down trees?

Some oil drilling is done on rigs at sea, where there are no trees. Some oil drilling is done in countries that are primarily deserts.

What are some negative points of oil drilling?

A further dependence on a product that is still non-renewable, and will rise in price as supply shrinks and demand grows.

Is oil-drilling a positive or negative human-environment interaction?

Negitive because it can cause fires.

Is commercial oil drilling and deepwater oil drilling the same?


How is drilling for natural gas different from drilling for oil?

Drilling for natural gas is similar to drilling for oil, but gas must be liquefied before it can be shipped.

When was the oil drilling ban amended?

the only ban on oil drilling was in 1919

Why aren't we drilling for oil here in the US?

We are drilling for oil in the united states

Economic regulatory administration enforces laws regulating oil drilling on federal lands.?

EnergyThe Interior Department enforces some oil drilling laws on Federal lands. The Environmental Protection Agency would also have jurisdiction over some aspects of oil drilling on Federal lands.The Department of Energy

Where does oil well drilling occur?

There is not much information about where Oil well drilling occurs but some well known cities are in Dallas Texas, Mexico, Ontario. One can find more information on the process of oil well drilling among other information on Wikipedia.

What is main economic land usage in northern Canada and Alaska?

Oil Drilling

What costs more - drilling or mining oil sands?


What has the author Brandon C Nuttall written?

Brandon C. Nuttall has written: 'Oil and gas drilling activity summary for Kentucky, 1989' -- subject(s): Statistics, Oil well drilling, Gas well drilling 'Oil and gas drilling activity summary for Kentucky, 1988' -- subject(s): Statistics, Oil well drilling, Gas well drilling