These days very few programs are written in assembly language. Some parts of operating system kernels are written in assembly language usually because they need to perform some function very specific to a particular microprocessor architecture. Other programs written in assembly language include programs written for very cheap microprocessors in embedded systems. Such systems have very little resources and do not run operating system and compilers. Finally some specific parts of applications programs may be written in assembly language for performance optimization, but examples of those today are quite rare indeed.
A WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) editor allows a web page creator to visually move elements around on a rendered page, rather than writing raw HTML code and using a browser to render it. Obviously, the level of skill required when instant feedback is available is significantly less than if one were to write HTML code, as the editor removes the need for the HTML/CSS code to be interpreted by the author at the time the page is created. Some WYSIWYG editors are so good at producing good HTML, that they can be employed by individuals with no HTML/CSS experience whatsoever and achieve good, valid HTML that does as the user intended.
Artificial fibers are man-made. Some examples are rayon, nylon, and kevlar.
Forums are usually created in PHP, and PHP WYSIWYG editors do not exit, for now...
wysiwyg = What You See Is What You Get
Some examples of free music download software programs include BearShare and Shareaza. You can get more information about these applications at their respective websites.
A computer acronym "WYSIWYG" is short for "What You See Is What You Get".
Some examples of television programs that Vernon Kay have presented are the Daily Show. He has also presented in many other shows that have warmed the hearts of viewers.
WYSIWYG Film Festival was created in 1999.
WYSIWYG- stands for What You See Is What You Get. In Computers it is some times referred to a Print preview of a Document. It means, what you see on the screen is exactly going to appear on the paper when printed.
WYSIWYG is a common acronym for "What you see is what you get". GUI stands for "Graphical User Interface"
There are a variety of programs that provide for internet gaming. Some examples of programs that work like partypoker are Tight Poker, Full Tilt, and PokerStars.
There are a variety of different youth programs available, depending on where you live and what your interests are. Sports, religion and community based youth programs are examples of some of the themes available.
Some good examples of free web design programs are Komodo and Aptana. As with all free software there are limitations in features and support. Some advanced features may require a small fee to be paid in order to unlock them.