

What are some disadvantages of using namespace in C?

Updated: 12/8/2022
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12y ago

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Here's one: there's no namespace in C

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Q: What are some disadvantages of using namespace in C?
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A namespace is a group of related identifiers.namespace ns {int i;double d;}Inside namespace ns, i and d can be used normally. Outside namespace ns, i is called ns::i and d is called ns::d. To import i into the current scope, say "using ns::i;". To import all identifiers in ns into the current scope, say "using namespace ns;". Namespaces can be nested:namespace ns1 {namespace ns2 {int i;}int i;}The i in namespace ns1 is fully qualified as ns1::i. The i in namespace ns2 is fully qualified as ns1::ns2::i. The two variables are distinct. Inside ns2, i refers to ns1::ns2::i; inside ns1, i refers to ns1::i.

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No. You can't use namespace std even if you include stdio.h. At the very least you must include stddef.h before you can use namespace std.

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#include <iostream> using standard namespace std; int main() { cout << "your prob shouldn't be taking c++"; return 0; }

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The std namespace is the standard library, which includes many of the common data types, constants, structures, classes and functions that you will use to create C++ programs. There are very few non-trivial C++ programs that do no make use of at least some portion of the standard library at some point. Note that you need only include those portions you actually use; there is no need to include the entire standard library. Any built-in functions that require the standard library will include only as much as they need to, whether you yourself include those portions or not.

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