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Q: What are some dangerous jobs that robots do?
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Related questions

How robots helpful to man?

Robots help man with the most dangerous jobs that no human can never do

Why did they invent the first robot?

so robots can do dangerous jobs -meagan Chan

Are some robots dangerous?


Should robots do the jobs that humans do?

Robots should do the jobs that humans don't want: the messy, boring, repetitive, or dangerous activities such as sewage cleaning, precision welding, and defusing bombs.

What can robots do to help humans with?

Robots can help humans in any way! In the home, business, factories, and can do the most dangerous jobs that humans cant even do!

What jobs have robots taken over from humans?

Underground excavations, space explorations, and other dangerous tasks.

Do robots do jobs people used to do?

Yes in some industries. Car makers use robots.

What are some types of jobs robots do?

well, that's a hard question to answer because most robots don't even have jobs. though there are some robot with jobs such as cleaning etc. but nothing huge yet.

Will robots make some jobs redundant?

In some industries they already have.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of american military robots?

Advantage- Keeps soldiers out of danger by replacing some of their jobs with robots Disadvantage- Robots are expensive

Are robots used do human jobs?

Robots have been used to replace humans in situations where a job is either too dangerous for a human or too costly. For example, robots have been used to explore Mars because it is too dangerous and costly to send humans to Mars at this time. They have also been used in some factories to cut down on costs and injuries associated with human workers.

How are robots changing your lives?

They help humans do stuff we cant do like gather info in volcanoes and other dangerous jobs.