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Pseudocode. It is a cross between English and a programming language, designed to be quickly written and understood without worrying about syntax.

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Q: What are sentences that appear to be written in a programming language but do not actually follow the structure of the language?
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What is the role of HTML in computer programming in detail?

HTML has no role in programming. HTML is not a programming language. It is a markup language, which means it is for formatting pages and text and helping to lay them out. It has no real processing capabilities. To make a webpage actually do something you need to introduce a programming language. So you can use HTML with a programming language to make an actual webpage do things. HTML cannot do that by itself.HTML has no role in programming. HTML is not a programming language. It is a markup language, which means it is for formatting pages and text and helping to lay them out. It has no real processing capabilities. To make a webpage actually do something you need to introduce a programming language. So you can use HTML with a programming language to make an actual webpage do things. HTML cannot do that by itself.HTML has no role in programming. HTML is not a programming language. It is a markup language, which means it is for formatting pages and text and helping to lay them out. It has no real processing capabilities. To make a webpage actually do something you need to introduce a programming language. So you can use HTML with a programming language to make an actual webpage do things. HTML cannot do that by itself.HTML has no role in programming. HTML is not a programming language. It is a markup language, which means it is for formatting pages and text and helping to lay them out. It has no real processing capabilities. To make a webpage actually do something you need to introduce a programming language. So you can use HTML with a programming language to make an actual webpage do things. HTML cannot do that by itself.HTML has no role in programming. HTML is not a programming language. It is a markup language, which means it is for formatting pages and text and helping to lay them out. It has no real processing capabilities. To make a webpage actually do something you need to introduce a programming language. So you can use HTML with a programming language to make an actual webpage do things. HTML cannot do that by itself.HTML has no role in programming. HTML is not a programming language. It is a markup language, which means it is for formatting pages and text and helping to lay them out. It has no real processing capabilities. To make a webpage actually do something you need to introduce a programming language. So you can use HTML with a programming language to make an actual webpage do things. HTML cannot do that by itself.HTML has no role in programming. HTML is not a programming language. It is a markup language, which means it is for formatting pages and text and helping to lay them out. It has no real processing capabilities. To make a webpage actually do something you need to introduce a programming language. So you can use HTML with a programming language to make an actual webpage do things. HTML cannot do that by itself.HTML has no role in programming. HTML is not a programming language. It is a markup language, which means it is for formatting pages and text and helping to lay them out. It has no real processing capabilities. To make a webpage actually do something you need to introduce a programming language. So you can use HTML with a programming language to make an actual webpage do things. HTML cannot do that by itself.HTML has no role in programming. HTML is not a programming language. It is a markup language, which means it is for formatting pages and text and helping to lay them out. It has no real processing capabilities. To make a webpage actually do something you need to introduce a programming language. So you can use HTML with a programming language to make an actual webpage do things. HTML cannot do that by itself.HTML has no role in programming. HTML is not a programming language. It is a markup language, which means it is for formatting pages and text and helping to lay them out. It has no real processing capabilities. To make a webpage actually do something you need to introduce a programming language. So you can use HTML with a programming language to make an actual webpage do things. HTML cannot do that by itself.HTML has no role in programming. HTML is not a programming language. It is a markup language, which means it is for formatting pages and text and helping to lay them out. It has no real processing capabilities. To make a webpage actually do something you need to introduce a programming language. So you can use HTML with a programming language to make an actual webpage do things. HTML cannot do that by itself.

What is a sentence for pascal?

Pascal is a very interesting language to learn. Pascal is actually a computer programming language.

Elements of assembly language programming What is A simple assembly scheme pass structure of assembler design of two pass assemblers a single pass assemblers what is macros?

what are the elements of assembly language programming?

Define structure oriented programming language?

A structure oriented language is one, which should the following structure as Documentation Section, Link section, Definition Section, Global declaration section and Functions(including Main functions) in an hierarchical order. This order cannot be interchanged, but structure oriented language like C can have these sections as optional. Correct me if am wrong, Neela.T

Is XML a programming language?

It is programming languages that are referred to in terms of "high level" and "low level".Extensible Markup Language(XML) is a markup language not a programming language, it is a data formatting specification that makes the presentation of data independent of programs (so that data can be passed between programs).For this reason the answer to your question is "neither".

What is the difference structured programming language and java?

There is no difference between procedural programing language & structure programing language

What word go with this definition this is the structure of language and rules that go with it?

Grammar is the word that fits the definition of the structure of language and its associated rules. It includes syntax, morphology, semantics, and phonology, all of which govern how words and sentences are formed and used in a language.

Is the B programming language a high or low level programming language?

The B programming language is a high-levelprogramming language.

This is the structure of language and the rules that go with it?

The structure of language refers to how words are organized and arranged to convey meaning. Rules of language, known as grammar, govern how words can be combined to form sentences. These rules include syntax (word order), morphology (word structure), and semantics (meaning).