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Read-only objects are those that have private immutable member variables with public accessors (getters) but no public mutators (setters). The object members are typically initialised during construction, but the member variables cannot be altered thereafter, thus they are read-only.

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Q: What are read only objects in c plus plus?
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What do you mean by read only objects in c plus plus?

Objects that are not supposed to be written. Surprised?

What are the objects used in dev c plus plus?

Objects in Dev C++ are the same as objects in generic C++, insofar as an object is an instance of a class.

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Passive objects encapsulate state and operations, whereas active objects also encapsulate a process. Standard C++ does not support active objects.

Instantiation of objects in c plus plus?

Objects are instantiated when statically declared or dynamically created with the new keyword.

Can C plus plus read binary?

yes it can very much so read binary.

What may be different for all objects in a class and what remains the same in C plus plus programming?

The only things that may be different for all objects of a class are their member variables. They represent the object's data. The only things that remain the same are the static members -- they are akin to global variables, but are local to all objects of the class type.

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Class wrappers (embedded objects), inheritance (derived objects) and friend classes.

How do you write classes and objects for hospital management software using objective c or c plus plus?

You declare a class as follows: class MyClass { //some stuff here... } You create an object as follows: MyClass object; This is how you create classes and objects in C++.

Can you use c plus plus in windosh vista?

Only if you have a C++ compiler.

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Entities are the objects instantiated by your program, both at compile time and at runtime. Some objects are primitive data types, others are more complex such as objects instantiated from a class.

What do you mean by initialisation of objects in c plus plus?

Initialization of objects means to provide an initial value for the object. This is usually done by the constructor, or it can be done with an assignment statement.

What is the term that describes the hiding of implementation details of objects from each other in a C plus plus class?
