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a battery ,anything wet ,conductive foam found in some electronicts,plants,and human flesh,and graphite....exc....


  • silver
  • copper
  • gold
  • aluminum
  • iron
  • steel
  • brass
  • bronze
  • Mercury
  • graphite
  • dirty water
  • concrete


  • glass
  • rubber
  • oil
  • asphalt
  • fiberglass
  • porcelain
  • ceramic
  • quartz
  • (dry) cotton
  • (dry) paper
  • (dry) wood
  • plastic
  • air
  • diamond
  • pure water
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Jose Luettgen

Lvl 13
2y ago
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Wiki User

11y ago

a battery ,anything wet ,conductive foam found in some electronicts,plants,and human flesh,and graphite....exc....


  • silver
  • copper
  • gold
  • aluminum
  • iron
  • steel
  • brass
  • bronze
  • Mercury
  • graphite
  • dirty water
  • concrete


  • glass
  • rubber
  • oil
  • asphalt
  • fiberglass
  • porcelain
  • ceramic
  • quartz
  • (dry) cotton
  • (dry) paper
  • (dry) wood
  • plastic
  • air
  • diamond
  • pure water
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7y ago

All metals are conductors. Gold, silver, copper, aluminum and iron are used as conductors.

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13y ago


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11y ago

a wet sponge...

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7y ago


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Q: What are materials that are conductors?
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How are thermal conductors and electrical conductors related?

Thermal conductors and electrical conductors both involve the flow of energy, but they are not necessarily the same materials. Some materials, like metals, are both good thermal and electrical conductors due to their free electrons that allow them to transfer energy efficiently. However, there are also materials that are good thermal conductors but poor electrical conductors, such as ceramics.

Materials that are poor conductors of heat?

Materials that are poor conductors of heat are Plastic and Wood "example."

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What examples of materials that are conductors?

All metals are conductors. Gold, silver, copper, aluminum and iron are used as conductors.

What are materials called in which the electrons are loosely bound?

Materials in which electrons are loosely bound are called conductors. Conductors have a high conductivity due to their ability to easily allow for the flow of electrons. Metals like copper and aluminum are examples of good conductors.

What is a material called that passes current along easily?

Conductors are materials that passes a current along easily. Conductors are materials that include copper, silver, aluminum, and steel. Insulators are materials that are poor conductors and include glass, rubber, and ceramic.

What large group of materials are good thermal conductors and good electrical conductors?


What are Conductors Insulators Semiconductors?

Conductors are materials that allow electricity to flow easily, like metals. Insulators are materials that do not allow electricity to flow, like rubber or glass. Semiconductors are materials that have properties between conductors and insulators, and are commonly used in electronics.

Materials that transfer thermal energy by direct contact better than other materials are called?

Materials that transfer thermal energy by direct contact better than other materials are called conductors. Conductors have high thermal conductivity, allowing heat to flow through them easily. Metals like copper and aluminum are good examples of conductors.

What materials are no good conductors of electricity?


Which materials are the best electrical conductors?

Metals are the best conductors, Copper, Silver, and Gold for example.