1780: Bifocal glasses were invented by Benjamin Franklin 1783: invention of the hot air balloon 1784: the safety lock is invented by Joseph Bramah 1785: invention of a parachute by Blanchard
Scythe horse drawn hoe horse drawn seed drill plough
Thousands of inventions surface daily, most are never entertained for mass production. A simple invention that could be done in just four days is a cell phone application to read the tone of your voice and select the right song to play for that particular mood.
builds on previous research-describes all steps in procedure clearly and completely-describes all data to be collected-keeps all variables, except the one being tested, the same-includes a control (or placebo) for comparison -uses an appropriate group of subjects-may include a large sample size-may include multiple trials-can be reproduced by other investigators to give -similar results-respects human and animal subjects*Elements may vary, depending on the problem being studiedThe five components of experimental design are:-Independent Variable-Dependent Variable-Constant Variables-Control group-Number of Repeated TrialsGood Experimental Design is Simple;1. simple in Concept ( no complex ideas)2. simple in execution (not complex to do)3. simple to replicate (repeat by others)4. simplest complete result.
here i vil the equation for that design dat u implement with the gates. This Anser is for only Q(a) The euation is a bar.d bar+a.b bar.d+a.c.d
1780: Bifocal glasses were invented by Benjamin Franklin 1783: invention of the hot air balloon 1784: the safety lock is invented by Joseph Bramah 1785: invention of a parachute by Blanchard
I think all four: Exchange new ideas Spread languages Share new inventions Make people rich
I think all four: Exchange new ideas Spread languages Share new inventions Make people rich
"Four Great Inventions:"GunpowderPaperPrintingCompassOthers:ForkBank notes (paper currency)CoffinCast IronIncenseBell
kite crossbow compass paper
papermaking, compass, gunpowder, and printing
Among many inventions that have helped the US, a few stand out as "remarkable". The four are:* telephone * airplane * phonograph and * motion picturesOther views exist of course. The question requires a subjective answer.
the four ideas are food,water,shelter and finding land for the children
There are many inventions. Just four of them (randomly) are: 1445-printing press 1485 parachute 1495 toothbrush 1500 flushing toilets
Inheritance of acquired characteristics is not one of Darwin's four main ideas of natural selection. His four main ideas are variation, competition, heritability, and differential reproductive success.
Submaries, telograughs, the gatling gun, railroads