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Q: What are format specifiers and how do you use them in C language program?
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What is a format specifier?

There are many types of format specifier. Exp:%d (To show the integer) %c(To show the character) %f(Float are digits with decimal points to use it to show them) %s(String to show the string)

Why format specifier is not necessary in language C plus plus?

Format specifiers are not necessary because we can use the much more flexible insertion operator to insert formatted text in an output stream, or the extraction operator to extract formatted data from an input stream. Format specifiers are simply far too low-level and can only handle built-in data types such as strings, integrals and floats, they cannot handle more complex data types such as classes and data structures and we cannot create new specifiers to cater for them. But in C++ we can simply overload the insertion and extraction operators to cater for any data type we wish, thus providing a consistent means of inserting any object into an input stream or extracting it from an output stream.

What program can you use to save a file in the rich text format file format?

Wordpad, Notepad, any equivalent text editing program.

How do you format a drive with Linux?

To format a partition that is not in use get a program called Gparted. If you need to format the whole drive you need to boot from a Linux CD.

What is the best program to use when writing a novel?

Any program that you like -- the publishers will tell you what format they prefer when you send the manuscript in.

How do you convert iso format to quicktime?

You need an iso conversion program. I use IsoBuster(Google it) which is a free program download.

Is there a program that can help you make a programming language but you don't need to know a programming language?

No. In order to make or use a program or a programming language, you need to know a programming language.

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change the language format to English

What program convert files to MP3 format?

you can use total video converter software to convert any audio format to the required format... or you can use m4a to mp3 converter , it's a one click program , you can easily download it from

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What file format does music on a CD have?

This file format of a CD is dependent on the program you use to rip the data off the CD. Normally it is in the Mp3 format, but if you use Windows Media Player to rip the songs off it will be converted into .Wav format. - CascadeNeko

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