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The Reynolds number, Re = VD/υ, can be used to measure the laminarity of flow. The smaller the Reynolds number, the more laminar the flow. Therefore, to achieve better laminar flow, V and D (velocity of fluid and diameter of pipe) should be small and υ, the kinematic viscosity of the fluid, should be large. Therefore, since pipe diameter and viscosity is fixed in this circumstance, the slower the velocity of the flow, the more laminar the flow. Open the faucet to a small degree and the flow will be laminar. Turn the facet open fully will (for some faucets) cause turbulent flow depending on the maximum velocity of water allowed by the faucet.

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12y ago

When the faucet valve is in a low position the water flow coming out runs in a smooth stream with no air bubbles or ripples as in laminar flow. As the valve is opened and the flow increases the water gets more disturbed with waves and ripples and bubbles as in non-lamiar turbulent flow.

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11y ago

turbulent flows: fast and rynolds number of 2000 and above

laminar: slow, and rynolds number of less than 2000

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Q: What are examples of laminar and turbulent flow?
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What is the translation from laminar to turbulent flow?

Laminar flow refers to smooth, orderly flow with predictable patterns, while turbulent flow is characterized by chaotic, irregular movement with swirling vortices and mixing. The transition from laminar to turbulent flow occurs when the flow speed or viscosity of the fluid increases, leading to the breakdown of laminar layers and the onset of turbulence.

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What are examples of turbulent flow?

Smoke rising from a flame. At first the smoke rises with laminar flow before becoming turbulent just a few centimetres above the source.

Is flow in a Venturi tube laminar or turbulent?

Flow in a Venturi tube can be either laminar or turbulent, depending on the flow rate and Reynolds number. At low flow rates, the flow tends to be laminar, while at high flow rates, it can transition to turbulent flow.

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Turbulent flow transports more sediment than laminar flow due to the increased velocity and mixing of particles in turbulent flow. This helps to keep sediments suspended and advected downstream more effectively.

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The laminar flow hood depends on the laminar air flow to sweep away pathogens from the hood. If there is obstruction, the laminar air flow pattern will be disrupted. The laminar air flow will then change to turbulent air flow.

Why poiseuille equation not applied to turbulent flow?

Coz poiseuille eq is for poiseuille flow, which is a laminar flow, not turbulent flow. And it also need to be a fully developed , pressure driven flow.

Would you prefer turbulent flow or laminar flow around a racing bicycleWhich would you like for whitewater rafting?

You want laminar around a bicycle for less resistance, but turbulent in rafting so that you get all of the white water

What is the difference between laminar and turbulent flame patterns?

Laminar flames are smooth and well-structured, while turbulent flames are chaotic and have irregular shapes. Laminar flames propagate at a lower velocity compared to turbulent flames. Turbulent flames enhance mixing and heat transfer rates, leading to faster combustion reactions.

What are some examples of turbulent flow?

a block, Ping Pong ball or golf ball, kite, or simply running in the shallow pool. There are alot of things that have turbulent flow..... ping pong balls do not have turbulent flow nor does golf balls it has laminar flow things that have turbulent flow would be a bus, a hand out the window in a y axis or just a simple building or sky scrapper basically anything with a flat surface has turbulent flow

What are some examples of flow?

a block, Ping Pong ball or golf ball, kite, or simply running in the shallow pool. There are alot of things that have turbulent flow..... ping pong balls do not have turbulent flow nor does Golf balls it has laminar flow things that have turbulent flow would be a bus, a hand out the window in a y axis or just a simple building or sky scrapper basically anything with a flat surface has turbulent flow

How can we relates the Reynolds Number with the phenomena of turbulence and laminar?

Turbulent flow occurs above a certain Reynold's number; laminar flow occurs below a certain Reynold's number. The exact value of the Reynold's number required for flow to become turbulent varies, depending on the specific situation.