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In general, metals conduct heat well. Silver, copper, gold and aluminum are among the best. Oddly, carbon in its diamond allotrope is the best conductor of heat we know of.

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Metals : copper, silver.

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Q: What are examples of good conductors of heat?
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What items are conductors?

A conductor is simply a material that allows electrical energy to pass through it these tend to be metals or molten metal ions.

What are the examples of conductors?

Generally metals and ions (in solution) are good conductors of electricity. Eg. iron, copper, nickel, molten sodium chloride, aqueous sodium chloride etc.

What are at least five examples of materials that are good conductors?

copper wire, metals, water, poles, airplanesSilverCopperGoldIronIonized airleadwater with dissolved mineralsgraphiteBut it also depends on which you wish to conduct.For thermal conductivity, the top group, in order of merit, are graphene, diamond, silver, copper.For acoustic (sound) conductivity, you need a rigid non - lossy material, and Beryllium is probably at the top, but with similar metals such as tungsten and steel not far behind.And Brahms and Bach have their followers in the music field.

Examples of bad conductor of heat?

Most things are not conductors of heat, or electricity. This means that the substances contain a large number of free electrons. Some of these are water, plastic, rubber, glass, lead, and wood.

What are two examples of good insulators?

Conductors are materials that will allow electricity to flow through them. Materials that contain 1, 2, or 3 valence electrons are good conductors. Some examples of good conductors are gold, silver, aluminum, and copper. Insulators are materials, or combinations of materials, with a high number of valence electrons (5, 6, 7, and 8). Examples of good insulators are porcelain, glass, air, and rubber.

Related questions

Examples of good conductors of heat and electricity?

Most metals such as metal pots, bowls, etc

What do you call materials that let heat pass though them easily?

Materials that allow heat to pass through them easily are called conductors. Conductors have high thermal conductivity, which means they transfer heat efficiently. Metals like aluminum and copper are good examples of conductors.

What are 2 examples of good conductors of thermal energy?

Two examples of good conductors of thermal energy are metals such as copper and aluminum. These materials have high thermal conductivity, meaning they can efficiently transfer heat energy.

Some examples of heat conductors and insulators?

Some examples of heat conductors are nickel, coalbolt, iron, steel Some examples of heat insulators are rubbber,glass,wood

What are materials that move heat easily and quickly are called?

Materials that move heat easily and quickly are called conductors. Conductors have high thermal conductivity, allowing heat to transfer rapidly through them. Metals like copper and aluminum are examples of good conductors of heat.

What substances would be good conductors of heat?

Substances with high thermal conductivity are generally good conductors of heat. Some examples include metals such as copper, aluminum, and silver. Additionally, materials like diamond and graphite also exhibit high thermal conductivity.

Examples of heat conductors?

Anything metal.

What are examples of thermal conductors?

Examples of thermal conductors include metals such as copper, aluminum, and iron, as well as materials like graphite and carbon steel. These materials are good conductors of heat because they have high thermal conductivity, allowing heat to flow through them easily.

Name two examples of thermal conductors?

Many metals are good conductors. While technically a fridge is one, that's probably not the answer you're looking for. Anything conducts heat, even humans. Believe it or not but diamonds are some of the best conductors out there.

What is conduction of heat and give examples of 2 materials that are good conductors?

Conduction of heat is the transfer of heat energy through a material without the material itself moving. Metals such as copper and aluminum are examples of good conductors due to the free movement of electrons within their structure, allowing heat to travel easily through them.

Name two examples of heat conductors found in the home?

Water and "Pots and Pans" are two heat conductors in the home..

What are conductOR of heat?

Most of the metals are effective conductors of heat.They conduct heat without much loss in energy and quickly.Copper, silver are among best conductors of heat.metals are good conductor of heat.