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A class is the definition of an user-defined type while an object is an instance of a class.

class foo {}; // definition of a type (implementation omitted for brevity).

struct bar {}; // another definition of a type

foo x; // x is an instance of the foo class, therefore x is an object

bar y; // y is an instance of the bar class, therefore y is an object

Note that in C++, struct and class are exactly the same (they are both classes), the only difference being that members of a class are private by default while members of a struct are public by default. Thus the following definitions are exactly the same:

struct X {

Y(){} // public by default


class Y {


X(){} // public by specification


As are the following:

struct A {


int m_data; // private by specification


class B {

int m_data; // private by default


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Because if we didn't need classes or objects then we'd use C instead. Note that an object is simply an instance of a class. Classifying our data objects makes it much easier to develop highly complex data structures than with C alone, because each object is a self-contained capsule that is entirely responsible for its own data. Encapsulating data and the methods that operate upon that data is one of the four fundamentals of object-oriented programming. The other three are abstraction, inheritance and polymorphism. C alone has none of these fundamentals, thus programming in C is much more complex than in C++. By the same token, C++ is every bit as efficient as C, but is many times easier to work with.

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Q: What are classes and objects in Cpp?
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Can you use objects in class level declaration?

Objects are classes... It's the most abstract type of data.

What is simple inheritance?

In object-oriented programming (OOP), inheritance is a way to reuse code of existing objects, or to establish a subtype from an existing object, or both, depending upon programming language support.In classical inheritance where objects are defined by classes, classes can inherit attributes and behavior from pre-existing classes called base classes, superclasses, parent classes or ancestor classes. The resulting classes are known as derived classes, subclasses or child classes.The relationships of classes through inheritance gives rise to a hierarchy. In prototype-based programming, objects can be defined directly from other objects without the need to define any classes, in which case this feature is called differential inheritance.The inheritance concept was invented in 1968 for Simula.

CPP Program for Implementing Knuth-morris-pratt pattern matching algorithm?

what is the pure algorithm instead of cpp program?

Can you explain in which scenario the primitive types are used as objects?

It is sometimes easier to deal with primitives as objects. Moreover most of the collection classes store objects and not primitive data types. And also the wrapper classes provide many utility methods also. Because of these resons we need wrapper classes. And since we create instances of these classes we can store them in any of the collection classes and pass them around as a collection. Also we can pass them around as method parameters where a method expects an objectIt is sometimes easier to deal with primitives as objects. Moreover most of the collection classes store objects and not primitive data types. And also the wrapper classes provide many utility methods also. Because of these resons we need wrapper classes. And since we create instances of these classes we can store them in any of the collection classes and pass them around as a collection. Also we can pass them around as method parameters where a method expects an object

What is c plus plus called object oriented programming language?

C++ is an extension of C; object-oriented capabilities - basically, the possibility of defining classes and of creating objects based on those classes - have been added to the original C.C++ is an extension of C; object-oriented capabilities - basically, the possibility of defining classes and of creating objects based on those classes - have been added to the original C.C++ is an extension of C; object-oriented capabilities - basically, the possibility of defining classes and of creating objects based on those classes - have been added to the original C.C++ is an extension of C; object-oriented capabilities - basically, the possibility of defining classes and of creating objects based on those classes - have been added to the original C.

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Why are classes important in Cpp?

Classes allow programmers to treat data and the operations that work upon that data as self-contained entities known as objects. Objects provide the fundamental principals behind object oriented programming. C++ without classes would simply be another implementation of C, since C++ evolved almost entirely from C.

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CPP Group was created in 1980.

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Class wrappers (embedded objects), inheritance (derived objects) and friend classes.

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CPP Studios Event GmbH was created in 1983.

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What are the features of an oop programming language?

Object-oriented programming (OOP) languages include features like classes, objects, encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism. Classes are blueprints for creating objects, encapsulation allows data hiding and protects data integrity, inheritance enables code reusability by allowing new classes to inherit attributes and behaviors from existing classes, and polymorphism allows objects of different classes to be treated as objects of a common superclass.

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with out classes we cant run any kind of project..... so every project as it own classes and methods and objects....

Can you use objects in class level declaration?

Objects are classes... It's the most abstract type of data.

What is simple inheritance?

In object-oriented programming (OOP), inheritance is a way to reuse code of existing objects, or to establish a subtype from an existing object, or both, depending upon programming language support.In classical inheritance where objects are defined by classes, classes can inherit attributes and behavior from pre-existing classes called base classes, superclasses, parent classes or ancestor classes. The resulting classes are known as derived classes, subclasses or child classes.The relationships of classes through inheritance gives rise to a hierarchy. In prototype-based programming, objects can be defined directly from other objects without the need to define any classes, in which case this feature is called differential inheritance.The inheritance concept was invented in 1968 for Simula.