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cells in epidermis that contain chloroplasts

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Q: What are chlorenchyma and write its functions?
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What is the difference between 'collenchyma' and 'chlorenchyma'?

Difference between collenchyma and chlorenchyma

Why are mesophyll cells often called chlorenchyma?

Mesophyll cells are often called chlorenchyma because they are specialized plant cells responsible for photosynthesis. These cells contain numerous chloroplasts, giving them a green color due to the presence of chlorophyll. Chlorenchyma is important for capturing sunlight and converting it into chemical energy for the plant.

What type of cells are chlorenchyma?

Chlorenchyma cells are a type of parenchyma cells specialized for photosynthesis. These cells contain chloroplasts, which are responsible for converting sunlight into energy for the plant through photosynthesis. Chlorenchyma is found in leaves, where it helps the plant produce food.

When plastid was discovered?

Plastids were discovered in plants by German biologist Andreas Franz Wilhelm Schimper in the 19th century. He initially described plastids as "chlorenchyma" in 1883, later realizing their broader functions beyond photosynthesis.

What type of cell is mostly associated with photosynthesis?

Chlorenchyma & palisade

What are the different shapes of cells that make food in plants?

Chlorenchyma and palisade cells

What plant organelle is used in photosynthesis?

Chloroplast inside the chlorenchyma cell (generally in the leaves)

What are user-defined functions?

User-defined functions are functions that are not provided by the language itself. They are the functions that you yourself write or that are provided for you by a third-party.

How many functions you can write within on script tag?

There does not appear to be a limit for the number of functions you can write within one script tag. However, you must make sure that all you functions have the appropriate beginning and ending markers.

What is the difference between aerenchyma and chlorenchyma?

Aerenchyma is a plant tissue characterized by large air spaces that allow for efficient oxygen transport in waterlogged environments, while chlorenchyma refers to plant tissue involved in photosynthesis, typically found in leaves and stems. Aerenchyma aids in buoyancy and prevents waterlogging stress, while chlorenchyma plays a central role in producing sugars through photosynthesis for the plant's energy needs.

How do you write a program in C using the fprint and fscan functions?

By using those two functions in your code.

Why are tissues present in plants?

Many types of tissues are present in plants such as - Parenchyma, sclerenchyma, chlorenchyma, collenchyma, aerenchyma and complex tissues like xylem and phloem to perform specialized functions. Such as chlorenchya in photosynthesis, sclerenchyma and collenchyma to provide strength and regidity, parenchyma for storage and xylem and phloem for conduction etc.