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In Analog communication, the analog message signal modulates some high carrier frequency inside the transmitter to produce modulated signal.this modulated signal is then transmitted with the help of a transmitting antenna to travel through the transmission channel. At the receiver, this modulated signal is received and processed to recover the original message signal. Example: AM , FM radio transmission an TV transmission. In digital communication, the message signal to be transmitted is digital in nature. This means that digital communication involves the transmission information in digital form Example: ASK, FSK, PSK.

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Q: What are analog and digital modes of operation of an instrument?
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Timing diagram read operation in microprocessor8085 program code in NET?

adressing modes and their types

Modes of transportation for shipping paper?

Some of the modes of transportation for shipping paper include shipping by ship or by airplane. Other modes include via trucks on the highway system and via trains.

What is the difference between Transverse Electrical mode and Transverse Electrical Magnetic mode?

Transverse modes are classified into different types:TE modes (Transverse Electric) no electric field in the direction of propagation.TM modes (Transverse Magnetic) no magnetic field in the direction of propagation.TEM modes (Transverse Electromagnetic) no electric nor magnetic field in the direction of propagation.Hybrid modes nonzero electric and magnetic fields in the direction of propagation.

How are amplifiers classified according to input?

All amplifiers are classed into thee modes of operation. Class A operation reproduces the full input signal and is the most faithful reproduction of the input signal of the the three. Class B operation will 'clip' some of the signal during amplification resulting in less than 100% of the signal being reproduced and Class C operation will reproduce less than 50% of the input signal. There are also A/B mode and B/C mode amplifiers, the names of the mode are self explanatory as to operation. You will find Class A amps in high fidelity audio gear, and Class C amps in items like survivial radios. (due to low power consumption by only amplifying part of the input signal)

What are the modes of failure in crankshaft?

Rotational 90 degree asists.

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What are the advantages of digital over analog?

The advantage of analog over digital or vice versa , is dependent on the input information type and / or signal amplitude where applicable , also on what the application is and other considerations like information / signal processing , storage , etc. The choice is decided by the advantages as per the requirements. As a rule the information carried by an analog signal is dependent on its instantaneous magnitude or position.Thus it is highly susecptible to corruption by extraneous noise sources which can affect the magnitude arbitrarily. On the other hand a digital signal typically carries information as changes in amplitude level between two ( or more ) arbitrarily predefined levels, arranged in a predetermined format and grouping ( more familiar as a code ). As long as the digital signal can be retrived without major loss in blocks of code , the original information can be mathematically retrived. Whenever the information and / or signal level is very small and / or in analog form , invariably some form of analog processing is required before any meaningful conversion to digital format or processing can be done. Now due to vast processing powers of digital circuits & computers , the advantage of analog is limited to very specialised requirements where the disadvantages of digital format would outweigh any other considertions. So for all purposes it would be invariably advantageous to use digital format and convert to analog whenever required. The only notable analog format which will always be required is for human sound & visual interface ( or for that matter other senses ) which the body perceives and processes only as analog signals , even the pseudo analog modes of Class D Audio Amplifiers , LCD Displays , Projection , Digital Printing etc. which operate in the Digital mode to simulate analog signal output. It may be noted that the Morse Code was essentially a digital format, while Semaphore ( uses Flag & Hand positions to convey information ) was an analog signal by virtue of hand position.

Why does a tv with built in ntsc-atsc tuner do not pick up antenna signals?

On the settings or set up menu the tuner might not be set to receive off air signals or might be in the cable mode or it might be in the analog mode and you no longer have any analog stations to receive. Check to see if you are in the digital and antenna modes.

What are the scene modes on digital cameras used for?

Scene modes on digital cameras allow the camera to create a custom setting for taking pictures of different scenery including forests and far off mountains. Pictures will look better when taken with these modes.

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At least three modes : input mode, command mode, and 'ex' mode.

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What is analog hearing aid?

Analog: "a mechanism in which data is represented by continuously variable physical quantities," Webster. Analog is how the natural world works. We hear and see things in an analog manner. That is to say, in constantly changing, but always connected, waves. Sound appears continuous to our ears. The fact is during average speech there are many stops, starts, gaps and pauses. We only "hear" speech as a continuous sound; regardless of the tiny stops and starts. Additionally, the connected wave of sound that we hear is always changing in strength (volume). Analog hearing aids process sound in a continuous wave. This means quite simply that sound passes through an analog amplifier unbroken. It may get a little bent as it changes from sound waves to electrical waves and back again, but it retains the flow of the original sound wave. Hearing aids remained almost unchanged from 1940 until 1993. Sound quality got better and the parts got smaller, however, the way they worked was unchanged. Analog hearing aids are good at boosting volume but they do very little to help reshape and control sound in a way that provides needed flexibility by the hearing impaired. Analog hearing aids are simple devices. The have simple electronic parts. You could buy the parts to build an analog hearing aid at a Radio Shack. They've been available for decades. Most hearing aid manufactures are no longer making analog hearing aids. For good reason, it costs just as much to make an analog as it does to make an entry level digital. Digital hearing aids work just like computer music. Computerized music, CDs, mp3s, etc all take sound and break it up into little bites (bytes) of information stored as a mathematical equation. The digital computer in the hearing aid can then add or subtract values from those little equations. When the computer puts the numbers back together sound has been altered. Ideally, in a manner that improves your ability to understand speech. There is nothing magic about the term digital. It simply means the sound is handled like any computerized device. It can be very good; It can be very bad. Although digital hearing aids can provide a vastly better hearing experience, they have to be correctly programmed. Analog hearing aids were built at the factory and came "fixed" to the fitter. The fitter could not make many alterations to the output of the instrument. Digitals come as a blank sheet of paper. It's up to the hearing aid fitter to shape the output of the hearing aid. If the digital hearing instrument is well programmed you will have an awesome experience. If it is not, it can be as useless as sticking a rock in your ear.

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What are the four modes of operation?

There are 4 operation basiclly done in micro processor 1.memory read 2.memory write 3.i/o read 4.i/o write

When playing the playstation2 game Major League Baseball 2k9 in game modes on exhibition when picking your baseball team what do you do to be a AAA baseball team?

click the right analog stick

What cameras are good for digital films?

i have the finepix j10 its 8.2 megapixels and it has lots of different digital video taking modes(sports etc..) and it comes in lots of colours :L lol have fun

Analog watches vs chronograph watches?

There are many types of chronographs.Analog chronographs show both time and stopwatch functions with analog hands. Typically the center hand will be used for stopwatch functions, while subdials may indicate seconds, stopwatch minutes and hours and (in some quartz chronographs) tenths or hundredths of a second. A variation of this chronograph is the Bull-one head, with the movement rotated 90 degrees, placing the crown and buttons at the top of the watch rather than the traditional location on side.Digital chronographs use a digital display for both timekeeping and stopwatch functions, either with separate displays or by switching modes on a single display.Analog-digital chronographs have a standard analog watch with permanent center seconds and a separate digital display that usually operates independently of the analog section. A fallback will reset to zero and then continue to run when the reset button is pushed while the stopwatch is running. In contrast, most mechanical chronographs will reset to zero only when the stopwatch is stopped.