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Q: What are advantages of shaft mining?
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What types of minnings are there?

The types of mining are shaft mining, strip mining, surface mining, and subsurface mining.

What are types of minning?

The types of mining are shaft mining, strip mining, surface mining, and subsurface mining.

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advantages to mining potash

What are the surface and subsurface methods by which coal is commonly mined?

Surface mining methods for coal include strip mining, open-pit mining, and mountaintop removal. Subsurface mining methods involve underground mining techniques such as room and pillar mining, longwall mining, and shaft mining. Each method has its own advantages and challenges in extracting coal from the earth.

What are three different kinds of mines?

The three types of mining -strip mining,open pit mining,and shaft mining

What are the three different kinds of mines?

The three types of mining -strip mining,open pit mining,and shaft mining

What are someTypes of subsurface mining?

i don't know the types of subsurface mining, but i know some facts.surface mining is safer and easier than subsurface mining.You don't have much air underground.It has no or very little advantages compared to surface mining.

What tools are used for shaft mining?

The tools that are used in shaft mining are a cradle, a windlass, a bucket and a pick.shovels, carbide lamps, tipples, mules and ponies.

What is some mining equipment for shaft mining?

Shaft mining is the earnest form of underground mining. Underground mining is selected when the rock or mineral is so far to reach using surface mining. Shaft mining is the kind of mine that you normally see in movies where the miner travels straight down into a profound, dark tunnel until he reaches the base. The shaft mine has a vertical man shaft, a tunnel where the men travel up and down in an elevator. Equipment is taken into the mine using this shaft, too. Short tunnels to the ore are dug from that man shaft. When the ore is dynamited and broken into chunks, it is taken to the top and loaded into trucks through a second shaft. There is usually an air shaft that gives the mine ventilation. When we visited a coal mine, it was amazing how much air moved around in the tunnels. Moving air removes the gases that occur naturally underground.

How are shaft mining and strip mining similar to open pit mining?

They all involve the mechanized removal of rock.

How are deposits of mineral ores removed from the earths crust?

Shaft mining or strip mining.

What are some early gold mining methods?

panning,shaft mining,cradling and puddling