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C reserved words are words which cannot be used as names. This includes all the built-in type names, including int, char and double and their aliases, the modifiers long, short, signed and unsigned, and all language keywords such as if, else, for, while, return and so on.

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Q: What are C reserved words?
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Give some examples of reserved words in the ANSI C programming language?

while, for, do

Bagian syntax yang di gunakan c plus plus?

C++ uses a syntax that is exactly the same as in C, with the addition of reserved words that are specific to C++. C ++ menggunakan sintaks yang persis sama seperti di C , dengan penambahan kata-kata reserved yang khusus untuk C++.

What are the different reserve words in c-language?

Reserve words, also known as keywords are words whose meaning are already defined by a compiler. C language has a total of 32 reserve words. Short, union, else, for, goto, unsigned, enum, extern, char, continue, switch, struct, typedef are some examples.

Which word is reserved in c plus plus?

All C++ keywords are reserved, as are all variable and function names that begin with two leading underscores.

Is it possible to declare a keyword as an identifier in c plus plus?

No. Keywords are reserved and cannot be used as identifiers. However, C/C++ is case-sensitive. So although register is a reserved keyword, Register is not.

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Reserved Words

What is meaning of keyword in c language?

'Keyword' is a synonym for 'reserved word', it is not specific to C language.

Why you use class keyword in c?

You may use it as an identifier, because it is not a reserved word in C.

Are words that have specific meaning to the compiler Lamen words Main words Reserved Words Global words?

yes! no!

What are the words that a programming language puts aside for its own use?

Reserved words.

What are words that have special meaning in a programming language called?

Keywords or reserved words.

Is score a reserved word in the C plus plus programming language?
