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Error 1021: Duplicate Function Definition

Error 1023: Incompatible Override

The first error means you've defined the same function twice. There can be only one definition for each function.

The second means you've overridden a function but the declaration is incorrect.

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Q: What are ActionScript errors 1021 and 1023?
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Adobe Flash and Adobe Flex both come with Actionscript compilers built in. There are also some stand-alone Actionscript compilers. MTASC is a command-line compiler that can compile Actionscript 2.0 class files. SWFTOOLS also has Actionscript compilers similar to MTASC for Actionscript 2.0 and Actionscript 3.0. There are also some third-party Flash development software programs that support Actionscript compiling.

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ActionScript 3.0 is the latest version of ActionScript, which is an object-oriented programming language and, therefore, cannot be purchased anywhere. One can find reference material on ActionScript 3.0 at the official Adobe website or one can find out more about ActionScript in general at Wikipedia.

How can you make a flash game?

You have to know actionscript. Go to for some actionscript tutorials.

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