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Q: What are 3 types of application packages?
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What are types of application packages?

Application packages support commonly performed business functions and usually is two or more bundled programs for the computer that help to address specific needs of the business. Accounting packages and illustration packages are different types of application packages.

What are different application softwares?

The different types of IT applications are Word processing application, Database application, spreadsheet application, Multimedia application, Presentation application, Educational application and content access application. Most of these applications are bundled in Office software.

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There are many types of vacation packages. It depends on the type of hotel you're going to but there are 3 "types" of packages you could get. Type one is the cheapest possible route. Small smoking rooms and no service type thing. Type 3 is ultra luxury and service practically every 3 seconds. Type 2 is in between.

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What types of packages are offered by DISH Network in Canada?

Dish Network offers the same types of packages that they offer in the United States of America. They offer HD packages, non HD packaged and international packages.

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Various types of accounting packages along with their functions?

discuss brifly various types of accounting packages along with their functions

Are Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel system softwares?

MS Word and MS Excel are examples of application software, because they allow the user to accomplish specific tasks. System software is software that runs in the background to make the system resources available to application software. An example of something system software does to assist applicatin software is allowing the computer to talk to the printer.

Disadvantages of application package?

The disadvantages of application packages can include: Performance Issues: Application packages might be slow in terms of execution, potentially leading to delays in processing and responsiveness. Limited Customization: They might not meet the specific needs of individual users, as they are designed to cater to a broader audience and may lack flexibility for customization. Maintenance Costs: Maintenance of application packages for organizational use can be expensive, potentially posing financial challenges. These disadvantages highlight potential drawbacks such as performance issues, limited customization, and high maintenance costs associated with the use of application packages.

What are the different types of package in java?

1.user defined packages 2.predefined packages

What are the computer application packages banks use?

ms excel,ms outlook