

Best Answer

1. Bearing problem

2. Load condition has gone worse.

3. Loss of voltage across motor terminals, loose connection.

Any one of them or all. If the motor is driven by VFD or soft starter, there could be some other reason related to them.

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Q: What Reduced power and response time of the motors is an early indicator?
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How long do elevators last?

A well built elevator under proper maintenance can last almost indefinitely. Motors, cables, pulleys, guides, and stopping/starting mechanism can be replaced when worn out. Some manually operated elevators built in the early 1900s are still functioning.

How were microchips built to go into the machines that now build microchips?

The first integrated circuit masks were hand made, then optically reduced. The wafers were then processed much as they are today using these reduced masks. Hand made masks were used well into the 1970s. All the early microprocessors were done with hand made masks. You can even download from Intel's website now masks and schematics, all hand drawn, for their original 4004.

What is a voltage converter used for?

Converting voltages of course. Rather like a transformer, early rotary converters were always mechanical devices i.e. motor generators, though these days electronic solid state versions are available. Put DC in get AC (single or three phase) out. OR put AC in and get DC out. They were mainly used to power trams and subway trains back in the early days before they'd invented the technology to control the speed of AC motors. The power station produced very high three phase AC voltage (it travels better) and this was converted to much lower voltages to power the DC traction motors in strategically placed substations

What did early machines first run on?

What did early machines first run on

What 2 inventions helped early farmers early with flooding?

Plow and irrigation system

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