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the longest lasting light bulb is at mc donalds jaksonville

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Q: What Is the longest lasting light bulb in Mississippi?
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Worlds longest lasting light bulb?

Probably a LED bulb, because it has no wear-out components.For example, a tungsten bulb filament gets thinner and thinner because tungsten sublimes off the filament and plates out on the glass envelope. CFL bulbs have hot cathodes with the same problem.LED bulbs only fail due to manufacturing defect or misuse.Answer:The current holder for longest lasting bulbs is The world's longest lasting light bulb is the Centennial Light located at 4550 East Avenue, Livermore Clifornia. Its claimed that the bulb is at least 110 years old

Where is the longest burning light bulb?

Livermore's Conntenental Light Bulb

Who produced the first reliable long lasting light bulb?

Thomas Edison was the who pateneted the first light bulb

Did Edison invent or improve the light bulb?

he improved the light bulb. Edison made the lightbulb a practical long-lasting lightbulb

How long has the longest burning light bulb been burning?

Lovermore's Centennial Light is the longest burning light, 108 years in.

Who invented the life long lasting light bulb?

Thomas Edison is often credited with inventing the long-lasting light bulb in the late 19th century. However, there were other inventors such as Joseph Swan who also contributed to the development of the incandescent light bulb around the same time. Edison's design, with a carbon filament inside a vacuum-sealed glass bulb, became the most commercially successful.

What is Thomas edison's invention?

The incandescent light bulb,Another Answer:Actually Edison did NOT invent the Incandescent Light Bulb, he bought the original Patent, and then LATER improved the Filament, so that it become a longer lasting, more reliable product.

Who invented the light bulb in 1876?

Thomas Edison is credited with inventing the light bulb in 1879. He improved upon previous designs and developed a long-lasting and commercially viable light bulb.

What invention is similar to the light bulb?

The LED (light-emitting diode) is similar to the light bulb as it also produces light, but it is more energy-efficient and longer-lasting.

What battery last longest hooked up to light bulb?


Who invented the long lasting filament electric light bulb?

Thomas Edison is credited with inventing the long-lasting filament electric light bulb in 1879. He developed a carbonized bamboo filament that could last for up to 1200 hours, making light bulbs practical for everyday use.

Who perfected the incandescent lightulb?

Thomas Edison is credited with perfecting the incandescent light bulb in 1879. He developed a long-lasting, practical light bulb that could be used for indoor lighting.