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Comment Tags are ignored by the browser and are not displayed. If you want to make a note or a comment within your HTML document use the following HTML You can use it to mark off where a certain section of your page starts and ends so you can easily locate it to edit. for example (The browser will ignore this notation)

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(The browser will ignore this notation)

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11y ago

You use the less than symbol followed by the exclmation mark and two hyphens to open it. The closing of the comment is two hyphens and a greater than symbol.

You use the less than symbol followed by the exclmation mark and two hyphens to open it. The closing of the comment is two hyphens and a greater than symbol.

You use the less than symbol followed by the exclmation mark and two hyphens to open it. The closing of the comment is two hyphens and a greater than symbol.

You use the less than symbol followed by the exclmation mark and two hyphens to open it. The closing of the comment is two hyphens and a greater than symbol.

You use the less than symbol followed by the exclmation mark and two hyphens to open it. The closing of the comment is two hyphens and a greater than symbol.

You use the less than symbol followed by the exclmation mark and two hyphens to open it. The closing of the comment is two hyphens and a greater than symbol.

You use the less than symbol followed by the exclmation mark and two hyphens to open it. The closing of the comment is two hyphens and a greater than symbol.

You use the less than symbol followed by the exclmation mark and two hyphens to open it. The closing of the comment is two hyphens and a greater than symbol.

You use the less than symbol followed by the exclmation mark and two hyphens to open it. The closing of the comment is two hyphens and a greater than symbol.

You use the less than symbol followed by the exclmation mark and two hyphens to open it. The closing of the comment is two hyphens and a greater than symbol.

You use the less than symbol followed by the exclmation mark and two hyphens to open it. The closing of the comment is two hyphens and a greater than symbol.

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Wiki User

11y ago

You use the less than symbol followed by the exclmation mark and two hyphens to open it. The closing of the comment is two hyphens and a greater than symbol.

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Q: What HTML tags do you use to include comments in your source code?
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Written remarks in your HTML or CSS document which will not be displayed in the browser?

Comments are not displayed by the browser, but they can help document your HTML source code.

Why do you write comments in HTML files how are comments written in HTML programs?

Comments are very important in a HTML code. They are started by <!-- and ended by --!>

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You don't need a html code for comments. You just post a comment, or post a comment and wait to see if the uploader approves it.

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In Computer Science, source code is generally computer instructions written in a form that is able to be read by a human. Source code is usually text and can even include comments about a computer program.

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You can pull up your HTML code by right clicking the code and hitting, View Source. This will open the HTML code and you can format it.

What is an HTML source?

HTML source simply refers to the markup language that makes up a web page. You can view the HTML source for this page by using your browser's "View Source" or "View Source Code" menu option.

What are HTML comments?

Comments are used to give extra information to the person writing or updating the HTML, usually explaining what a piece of code does, or identifying a significant point in the document. Comments are not displayed on the webpage itself. They are only within the code. They are ignored by the browser. The concept of using comments comes from programming. Comments can also do other things, like get a piece of code to be ignored temporarily so that testing to see if there is a problem can be done. A comment is started by putting this <!-- and is finished by putting this --> with the comments in between them like this: <!-- This will be ignored by the browser-->

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Every website would have a different HTML code. You can right click on the page body and choose "View Source" to view the HTML source of that web page.

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To add javascript code in HTML, you have to include the script tag on top. It can be added as <script src="source of script"></script>

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To hide MySpace comments, one would use the edit profile option on the page. You can type, or copy and paste an HTML code into the box to hide the comments. If you aren't familiar with HTML programming, there are a number of websites where you can find the necessary codes. One such website is MySpaceGens.

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You use a simple HTML code. simply go to and type it in and they will give you a code to post where you edit your profile.

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The javadoc tools extracts comments from your source code. Specifically, it will look for comments around class, field, and method definitions which are in the javadoc format: /** */