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Depends on the antenna, frequency, the reader power, and the design.

Passive RFID's have a range from a few mm's to a few meters.

In general, low frequency = near field rf = short range, higher frequency = far field rf = longer range.

EPC HF near field tags have short ranges of less than 1 meter.

EPC UHF tags are typically 1-2 meters reliable read. Far field range is very complex and it is possible to have multipath reflection arrangements where 10 meters may work... sometimes.

With illegally high power transmitters, and large antennas, far field tags can be reliably read to tens of meters or more for non-commercial designs.

Semi-passive RFID's can be read over hundreds of meters.

Active RFID's are limited only by their transmit power and antenna design.

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Why is RFID tags used instead of bar codes use to tag goods?

Both RFID tags and barcodes are used to tag products, but RFID has many advantages. An RFID tag can be read at a distance. That helps with inventorying stock, and also helps to catch shoplifters. Retailers have a problem with shoplifters putting an expensive item in a cheap item's box; because the RFID tag would be on the product itself it wouldn't matter what box it was in.

On an average how many times you can use RFID tags?

The type of RFID tag you are referring to is likely a passive device. It gets read by stimulating it with a certain RF frequency and then looks for a unique return. Hence the tag life is essentially forever.

Are rfid readers writers compatible with all chips?

Yes and no, It is common for companies as Texas Instruments & Phillips to lock their technology. However, most reader/writers are compatible with more than their own company's chip-set. frequency range is however not interchangeable. A 125 kHz reader will never be able to read a 13.54 MHz tag.

What are disadvantage of rfid?

RFID are expensive comparied to BarcodesRFID readers struggle picking up information when passing through metal or liquid.Reader collision can occur where two signals from different readers overlap and the tag is unable to respond to both.Tag collision can occur when numerous tags in the same area respond at the same time.RFID still has two separate chips (read only and readable/writable), which cannot be read by the same machine.

What is a ribbon parameter card?

The "ribbon parameter card" is a little chip that is delivered with every newly bought pack of ribbons. You need to insert this card in the fitting slot of the printer (at the backside I assume), and let the printer read the contents of the chip. Once finished, you can remove the card. You need to follow this procedure for the printer to be able to work with the new ribbon. If you do not have the chip for that ribbon you can not use it.

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How do RFID readers read the RFID chip and where does the input go?

I want to build a workflow in Automator and use the RFID chips in a card that have a "product number" and when the reader readers the number it then inputs it into an application that has been setup. So my questions is. When the reader scans the card and gets the "number" where does that "number" go?

What is a RIFD reader?

A RFID reader is a device that uses radiofrequency to wirelessly communicate with RFID tags. It can read information stored on the tags and transmit the data to a computer system for processing. RFID readers are commonly used in inventory management, access control, and asset tracking applications.

Did Barack Obama cancel the chip?

There was nothing to cancel. It's an internet myth. There never was any chip. This rumor was spread by people who were opposed to the health care law and wanted you to be afraid of it. But the new health care law contains no demands that everyone have an RFID chip or any other kind of chip. I invited you to read it for yourself you see.

Are passive RFID tags read-write or write once only?

Passive RFID tags can be both read/write or write-once. They can also be bought pre-written.

What mammals are specis?

whats a specis? can u read or write? whats a specis? can u read or write? whats a specis? can u read or write? whats a specis? can u read or write? whats a specis? can u read or write?

What are the advantages for RFID?

RFID tags don't need to be positioned in a line of sight with the scanner.RFID tags can be read at a faster rate than barcodes.Can read RFID tags from a distance. Information can be read from a tag at up to 300 ft.RFID tags are read/write devices.RFID contain high levels of security; data can be encrypted, passwordRFID tags carry large data capabilities.Once these are set up; it can be run with minimal human participation.RFID tags are reusable.

Why is RFID tags used instead of bar codes use to tag goods?

Both RFID tags and barcodes are used to tag products, but RFID has many advantages. An RFID tag can be read at a distance. That helps with inventorying stock, and also helps to catch shoplifters. Retailers have a problem with shoplifters putting an expensive item in a cheap item's box; because the RFID tag would be on the product itself it wouldn't matter what box it was in.

What does RFID use to communicate with a tag attached to an object in computers?

radio Software, Rfid board & antenna Whatever you place on the board with rfid tag with specail software you can read, write and erase the tags. Mostly bar codes for books or dvds.

How do you read chip resistor?

Use a digital ohm meter as opposed to attempting to read the lettering on the chip. This will give you an immediate value that will fall within the tolerance of the chip resistor.

On an average how many times you can use RFID tags?

The type of RFID tag you are referring to is likely a passive device. It gets read by stimulating it with a certain RF frequency and then looks for a unique return. Hence the tag life is essentially forever.

Can a computer read from a RAM chip but not write or store data on the chip?

Nope... the RAM chips are designed to be written to and read from so long as there's power to the computer. The ROM chip is designed to be read from only (unless it's being upgraded by 'flashing').

Is the rfid chip in ObamaCare?

No, this is an internet myth, and there is no truth to it at all. This myth was started by opponents of the health care bill, who wanted to scare people about it, so they would oppose it. But the actual bill expands health care to millions of Americans; and while not everyone agrees with every aspect of the Affordable Care Act (the real name of "Obama Care"), there is really nothing in it that is scary. In fact, you can go online and see for yourself that there is no RFID chip to track people, no "death panels," and none of the other false claims that opponents of the health care bill made. I enclose a link to the actual bill, so you can read it for yourself.