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The domestic electricity supply is alternating current. Instead of a steady flow of electrons through your appliances, there is a movement in one direction followed by a movement in the opposite direction. For heating and lighting, alternating current has exactly the same effect as a direct current. Devices like Transformers will only operate with alternating current.

Hertz measures the number of cycles of positive and negative current per second. In the USA, the standard frequency is 60Hz and in Europe it is 50Hz.

Now we come to the concepts of voltage and current. To understand the mains voltage, think in terms of electric pressure. The voltage is there whether you have anything plugged in or not. It rises to a maximum value, falls to zero then rises to a negative value and falls to zero again, all depending on the number of Hertz or cycles per second. For current, think in terms of the amount of electricity passing through the circuit per second. The amount of current that will flow depends on what you plug in. A lamp will draw a lot less current than a heater.

Hertz doesn't have a direct relationship to the amount of current. It is a measure of how frequently the current changes.

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