the dermis i found this information in a school textbook to prove my theory and secure my answer
You could try silicone. Used to seal corners in fish tanks. Flexible, watertight and stong.
Because it is strong meaning like a lunchbox and it can be flexible like a bendy ruler.
Help techies throughout out the history. > Its main constituent, iron, is abundant and when mixed with carbon (making steel) it becomes strong and flexible.
Flexible rope
Depends on what shape they are manufactured in. E.g. springs, which are very flexible.
Stong, flexible, and soft are the best descriptor of bones.
flexible means fit,slim&trim and strong means powerful, physically.
Your skin
It is flexible, strong, ceap, recylable and easy to get hold of. It is flexible, strong, ceap, recylable and easy to get hold of.
depends on the species, in general firs are a good balance of both strong and flexible
Steel is a material that is strong, hard, and flexible. It also has a high density, so it sinks in water.
these are materials which are extremely strong, yet flexible. strong as to not break when a bullet hits it, and flexible so it can absorb some of the shock from the bullet
Ligaments are strong and flexible and connect bones to each other.
it keeps the muscles strong becuase they and allways being used if you exercise and the joints and flexible because they and always being moved about
strong and flexible wood