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how do you use ohms law express conductance in terms of current and voltage?

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With constant resistance if the voltage changes then current changes accordingly

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Q: Using Ohm's Law explain how voltage changes in relation to current assuming that resistance remains constant?
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How as the blank applied to a circuit increases the power and the current also increase?

answer is actually voltage

What are the basic principles of ohms law?

Not all circuits obey Ohm's Law; in fact, most don't!Ohm's Law is a law of constant proportionality, and states that 'the current flowing through a conductor is directly-proportional to the potential difference across the ends of that conductor providing physical conditions, such as temperature, remain constant'. Expressed another way, the ratio of voltage to current must be a constant for variations in voltage, for Ohm's Law to apply.Ohm's Law only applies to linear ('ohmic') materials which includes metals, providing their temperatures are constant. Electrolytes, gases, semiconductors, however are non-linear ('non-ohmic'), and Ohm's Law doesn't apply to these.The ratio of voltage to current is resistance, and this applies to all circuits, whether linear or non-linear. But it only tells us what the resistance happens to be at that particular ratio. But for Ohm's Law to apply, the resistance must remain constant for changes in voltage. Put simply, if the resistance of a circuit changes when the applied voltage varies, then it is not obeying Ohm's Law.

How does the relation v equals ir apply to resistors that do not obey ohm law?

Ohm's Law states that 'the current flowing through a wire at constant temperature is directly proportional to the potential difference across the ends of that wire'.The ratio of voltage to current is the resistance of the circuit. For Ohm's Law to apply, this ratio must be constantover a range of voltage increments -in other words, Ohm's Law only applies to a circuit whose resistance is constant over a range of voltage increments. Resistors follow this rule.However, the ratio of R= V/I applies whether Ohm's Law applies or not. For example, the resistance of a tungsten filament will increase as the voltage across it increases. So the ratio of voltage to current constantly changes for tungsten and, so, it does not obey Ohm's Law. However, you can still use the equation R = V/I to determine what the resistance happens to be for each voltage increment.

The relationship between resistance and conductors is?

ALL resistance are conductors. just the magnitude value changes

Is the resistance of a resistor the same as voltage changes?

Yes and no. As voltage changes, current changes, causing power to change, with the end result that temperature changes. Most resistors have a small temperature coefficient, so their resistance will change slightly as the voltage changes.

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How the current in a circuit changes if the voltage in the circuit is decreased and the resistance remains the same?

If the ratio of voltage to current is constant, then the circuit is obeying Ohm's Law. If the ratio changes for variations in voltage, then the circuit does not obey Ohm's Law.

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A Constant Power Anemometer (CPA) provides a constant flow of electric supply to resistance element. Constant Power Anemometer are slow to respond to changes in velocity and temperature.

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The vertical velocity component changes due to the effect of gravity, which causes acceleration in the downward direction. The horizontal velocity component remains constant because there are no horizontal forces acting on the projectile (assuming air resistance is negligible).

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When the resistance is 960 ohms and the current is 2 amperes, we can use the formula for inverse variation: ( current \times resistance = constant ). Thus, ( 2 \times 960 = constant ), which is ( 1920 ). So, if the resistance changes to a new value, we can find the new current by dividing the constant by the new resistance.

What is the relation of the force and inertia?

The force required to accelerate an object is directly proportional to its mass, which is a measure of its inertia. Inertia is the resistance of an object to changes in its motion, so the greater the mass (inertia) of an object, the greater the force needed to accelerate it.

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The horizontal velocity component remains constant because there are no horizontal forces acting on the projectile (assuming no air resistance), so the velocity remains unchanged. The vertical velocity component changes due to the force of gravity, which accelerates the projectile downward, increasing its velocity as it falls.

Is there a relation between capacitance and amps?

q=cv so current changes with change in voltage keeping c constant

What is the trajectory of the projectile?

An "ideal" projectile trajectory ... without the influence of wind or air resistance ... is a section of a parabola. That's the figure you get when the horizontal position changes at constant speed and the vertical position changes at a speed that is itself changing at a constant rate.

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Acceleration is not necessarily constant; it can vary based on different factors such as changes in speed or direction. In scenarios where an object experiences a constant force, acceleration can be constant. However, factors like air resistance or changes in force can cause acceleration to change over time.

What is The resistance of a body to changes is motion?

The resistance of a body to changes in its motion is called inertia. Inertia is the tendency of an object to maintain its current state of motion, whether it is at rest or moving at a constant velocity, unless acted upon by an external force.

What is the shape of a projectile trajectory?

An "ideal" projectile trajectory ... without the influence of wind or air resistance ... is a section of a parabola. That's the figure you get when the horizontal position changes at constant speed and the vertical position changes at a speed that is itself changing at a constant rate.

Why ohms law is valid only for constant temperature and constant pressure?

Ohm's Law is valid for constant temperature because it assumes a fixed relationship between voltage, current, and resistance. Any changes in temperature can alter the resistance of the material, affecting the accuracy of the law. Additionally, Ohm's Law is only valid for constant pressure because pressure changes can affect the physical properties of the material, such as its conductivity, which can also impact the law's accuracy.