If your question is about kinds of transistors, then the kinds include bipolar NPN transistors, bipolar PNP transistors, point-contact transistors (the first kind ever made, but obsolete now), field effect transistors (FET). The FETs are the kind used in modern silicon chips and there are variants of them such as the classic planar FET and the very recent "fin FET" or 3D transistor. There are transistors made of crystalline silicon, of amorphous or semicrystaline silicon (like in your LCD screen), of Gallium Arsenide, of plastic, of carbon nanotubes, and various other materials. The basic requirement is that the material should be a semiconductor, a material having an energy barrier that electrons must be lifted to become conductive (as opposed to metals which are conductive without a barrier, and insulators which are all barrier and no conductive state).
If your question is about examples of things which use transistors, then you can include all forms of calculator and computer chip, radios, modern power controls, LCD screens, AMOLED screens, various kinds of sensors including the CMOS chips in cameras, and many kinds of electrical switch.
A transistor is a solid state electronic device that replaced vacuum tubes for most uses.
because once saturated it will conduct current both way raja TOQEER (Pakistan)
A silicon transistor is a transistor made of silicon.
Similar to a 2N3906 PNP transistor
I believe that is resistor transistor technology TTL transistor transistor logic
A transistor is a solid state electronic device that replaced vacuum tubes for most uses.
Metal Oxide Semiconductor. Usually used when referring to a specific type of transistor which uses this type of semiconductor material: the Field Effect Transistor (FET).
A Darlington pair uses two transistors connected to behave as a single transistor with a very high current gain (beta). Transistor-1 has its collector connected to the collector of transistor-2. Transistor-1 has its emitter connected to the base of transistor-2. The base of transistor-1 with the emitter and collector of transistor-2 is used as a single transistor.
Active matrix
because once saturated it will conduct current both way raja TOQEER (Pakistan)
Because it uses N-type and P-type semiconductor, usually silicon.The construction will either be NPN or PNP, with the different types in a "sandwich" construction.
The correct spelling is transistor. The definition of transistor is a portable radio that uses circuits that contain transistors instead of vacuum tubes. It is a semiconductor device that has three connections.
TFT is an acronym for Thin Film Transistor. This is a type of LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) screen which uses thin-film transistor (TFT) technology to improve image quality.
Transistor-transistor logic (TTL) is a class of digital circuits built from bipolar junction transistors (BJT) and resistors. It is called transistor-transistor logic because both the logic gating function and the amplifying function are done by transistors.To know about the advantages of TTL logic family, one should have a basic idea about RTL, DTL etc. Diode logic (DL) uses diodes to implement logical functions like AND and OR. But the disadvantage is that it can not perform NOT operation. As AND and OR are not complete functions by themselves, they can not perform several logic functions without NOT. Hence, there was a need for some device which can perform a NOT function as diodes can not. That device is a transistor. Then came the DTL which uses a transistor along with diodes. As a transistor can act as an inverter, NAND (NOT-AND) & NOR (NOT-OR) operations can be performed. But this logic uses several diodes which will slow down its operation. Due to the delay offered by them, the logic levels may sometimes change i. e. 0 t0 1 or 1 to 0. Then came TTL. This logic uses a multi emitter transistor, a transistor with many emitter terminals. As every emitter is nothing but a diode, this logic eliminates the use of all diodes. This is the major advantage. As transistor becomes ON and OFF much rapidly than a diode, switching time will be faster.TTL, or Transistor-transistor logic replaced resistor-transistor logic, and used much less power. The TTL family is very fast and reliable, and newer faster, less power-consuming, etc. types are always being developed.ANSWER: ONE WORD SPEED
A silicon transistor is a transistor made of silicon.