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A demoted menu is a list of additional commands associated with the selected command.

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Q: True or false A demoted menu is a list of additional commands associated with the selected command?
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Are the redo and repeat commands ever available at the same time on a computer?

They can be but it would be counter-intuitive. Redo is the antonym for undo and should only be enabled when the last command was an undo, which should automatically disable the repeat command. Redo remains enabled until the undo history is empty, or another command besides undo is selected, at which point the repeat command should be enabled again.

Advantages of command driven interface?

A CLI interface can be implemented on far fewer resources. The CLI is far better for scripting and automated purposes, as well as issuing simple commands. Finally, a CLI interface is generally not subject to copyright, whereas GUIs are.

Small programs that group a series of commands to run as a single command?

A Macro

How do you find all the CMD Administrator commands?

At the command prompt, type in "help" and press Enter.

How do you send commands to a command-line EXE program from a batch?

Just put the commands in your batch file. When someone runs the program, it will execute the commands it comes across line-by-line. - Example Batch Script: This script will run an application EXE file with command line parameters. This will use the shutdown.exe file that comes with windows. It shuts down the computer in 60 seconds. @shutdown -s -t 60 - You could also use the START command. For any command or exe file that runs from the command line, you could open a command prompt and type the name of the file followed by /? to find out what you can use as command parameters. Example: START /?

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What is a is a list of additional commands associated with the selected command?


List of additional commands associated with the selected command?


Is a list of additional commands associated with the selected command?

it is called the submenu

If you point to a button that includes an arrow Excel displays a which is a list of additional commands associated with the selected command?


In Excel what is the list of commands associated in the select command?

A submenu command

Do all Linux commands have options associated with them?

No, but the grand majority of them do. For more information: $ man command $ command --help

What is the difference between internal and external command?

Internal commands are the commands that are executed <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> directly by the shell. These commands will not have a separate process running for each. External commands are the commands that are executed by the kernal. These commands will have a process id running for it. Internal commands are stored in the cmd.exe command interpreter, ex. Dir External commands correspond to a .com or .cmd file, ex.

How unavailable commands appear on menu why may they be unavailable?

Usually because the command doesn't apply to a specific situation.For example: in MS-Word, the "Copy" command copies the selected text to an intermediate storage area called the "Clipboard". If NO text is selected (the cursor is between two letters), then there is nothing to copy, and the command is grayed out.

Which are the 7 commands of Indian air force?

there 7 commands they are western commands-New Delhi central command-Allahabad Eastern command-Shillong South-western command-Jodhpur Training command-Nagpur Southern commands-Tiruvananthapuram

What is the plural for command?

Commands is the plural form of command !

What is the plural of command?


What is the function of get command?

There is no GET command in C. Or commands at all, mind you.