Steam is very hot. The bathroom is full of steam.
a sentence with the word resilient
You can use the word Truss in a sentence like this.
by adjective in the sentence
People use steamships
pollution is the steam that comes out of a train
The steam condensed into droplets.
I'm going to the factory. Meet me at the factory. The factory has a steam whistle.
Yes, steam can be an adjective when it modifies a noun (person, place, things, or idea) Here is a sentence in which the word steam is used as an adjective modifying the noun engine: The steam engine was an important invention of the Industrial Revolution.
Steam is very hot. The bathroom is full of steam.
The kettle was clearly boiling as they could see the steam rising from it.
Ebullient water is water that is changing from liquid to steam, by forceful heating and making the surface break into bubbles.
The steam forms a shapeless cloud over the spout of the kettle when the water boils.
by saying something like ........ "the steam fair was really uneventful" meaning that there was not many things to do etc. :)
The steam you see on hot days coming off the slip-n-slide is really the water evaporating off of it.
Steam train translates as Dampflokomotive.